id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-326770-yoefyowv Sayama, Yusuke A seroepidemiologic study of Reston ebolavirus in swine in the Philippines 2012-06-18 .txt text/plain 4393 222 53 METHODS: A total of 215 swine sera collected at two REBOV-affected farms in 2008, in Pangasinan and Bulacan, were tested for the presence of REBOV-specific antibodies using multiple serodiagnosis systems. In the IFA, none of the 49 swine sera collected in Japan showed a positive reaction (data not shown), and so they were considered to be REBOV-NP and -GP antibody negative. In the IFA specific to REBOV-NP, antibody positive swine sera showed characteristic granular staining patterns in the cytoplasm ( Figure 1A ), which were indistinguishable from those of REBOV-infected cynomolgus monkey sera [18] and REBOV-NP immunized rabbit sera (data not shown). In total, 158 (73.5%) and 169 (78.6%) of the 215 swine sera collected at the affected farms were REBOV-NP and -GP antibody positive in the IFA, respectively (Table 1) . In total, 177 (82.3%) and 165 (76.7%) of the 215 swine sera collected at the affected farms were REBOV-NP and -GP antibody positive in the IgG-ELISA, respectively (Table 1) . ./cache/cord-326770-yoefyowv.txt ./txt/cord-326770-yoefyowv.txt