id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-276984-npgalqoz Dahl Mathiasen, Victor Uneventful case of COVID-19 in a kidney transplant recipient 2020-07-20 .txt text/plain 1779 114 51 Kidney transplant recipients have been reported at a particularly high risk of severe COVID-19 illness due to chronic immunosuppression and coexisting conditions. Kidney transplant recipients have been reported at a particularly high risk of severe COVID-19 illness due to chronic immunosuppression and coexisting conditions. Fourteen days after admission, the patient still had discrete coughing and intermittent fever, and was referred to a COVID-19 drive-in test unit for an oropharyngeal swab, which was positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA using PCR. We present a case of mild COVID-19 in a patient in immunosuppressive therapy due to kidney transplantation. Tacrolimus and prednisolone were continued in our patient, although recently published data show that immunosuppressive therapy is often discontinued in kidney transplant recipients. 4 Immunosuppressive therapy was relatively modest in this case, while other risk factors favouring a severe course of COVID-19, such as hypertension, chronic kidney disease and obesity, were present. ./cache/cord-276984-npgalqoz.txt ./txt/cord-276984-npgalqoz.txt