id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-352899-bt2xg0ha Van Kerkhove, Maria D. Interpreting Results From Environmental Contamination Studies of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2016-10-15 .txt text/plain 804 41 44 authors: Van Kerkhove, Maria D.; Peiris, Malik J. Researchers in Korea have recently published studies [4, 5] evaluating environmental and/or air contamination by MERS-CoV and should be commended for their efforts to evaluate the hospital outbreaks in their country. To fully understand the possible role of environmental contamination, including the possible detection of MERS-CoV in the air, additional studies must be conducted to see whether these results can be replicatedfor example, in hospitals in the Middle East where patients with MERS-CoV are treated, to evaluate virus persistence in hospital environments. A more complete understanding of the results of environmental and air contamination studies will have important implications for the application of infection prevention and control measures [8] currently used in hospitals treating patients with MERS-CoV, possibly leading to more detailed recommendations. Environmental contamination and viral shedding in MERS patients during MERS-CoV outbreak in South Korea Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) ./cache/cord-352899-bt2xg0ha.txt ./txt/cord-352899-bt2xg0ha.txt