id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-288166-z4r0vnku Downes, Simon R Closing the Gap in Global Neurosurgical Education via Online Conference: A Pre-Covid Survey 2020-05-07 .txt text/plain 2137 115 40 As opportunities to participate in online continuing medical education (CME) increase, there is a reduction in the worldwide knowledge gap often due to a lack of resources to attend conferences and advanced training in person. Methods A total of 64 participants completed a 10-item anonymous online questionnaire to assess how their knowledge and applied practical skills improved by participating in online conferences, and whether this education modality adequately addresses challenges for countries with limited access to conferences or training. Item six, 'Virtual neurosurgical education can help to unify international neurosurgical knowledge', had participants consider whether this form of education can fill the global gap in education, particularly for developing countries where there are limited resources and those who cannot attend conferences in person due to cost or logistics ( Figure 5 ). The questionnaire results indicate that respondents generally had a positive attitude toward online conferences and training and found neurosurgical online education to be useful. ./cache/cord-288166-z4r0vnku.txt ./txt/cord-288166-z4r0vnku.txt