id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-320656-5gu6ejul Moran, Joseph V Post-Extubation Stridor Complicating COVID-19-Associated Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Case Series 2020-09-16 .txt text/plain 1573 82 44 In this case series, we analyzed nine patients from across our institution who were intubated to manage acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) secondary to COVID-19 and subsequently developed post-extubation stridor. Our analysis suggests that prophylactic corticosteroids given in the 24-48 hours prior to elective extubation in female COVID-19 patients who were intubated for more than six days with consecutive days of intermittent prone ventilation may be helpful in reducing the incidence of post-extubation stridor in this population. In this case series, we present nine patients who required mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) secondary to COVID-19 and later developed post-extubation stridor. The patients presented in this case series possessed some of the well-described risk factors for the development of post-extubation stridor, specifically prolonged mechanical ventilation (9/9 were >8 days), obesity (6/9 had BMI >26.5), and female gender (7/9) [3] . ./cache/cord-320656-5gu6ejul.txt ./txt/cord-320656-5gu6ejul.txt