id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-289520-i6pv90s9 Harris, Carlyn An evidence-based framework for priority clinical research questions for COVID-19 2020-03-31 .txt text/plain 4699 282 46 RESULTS: From the research objectives for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, ten themes in the literature were identified: Clinical characterisation, prognosis, diagnosis, clinical management, viral pathogenesis, epidemiological characterisation, infection prevention and control/transmission, susceptibility, psychosocial, and aetiology. Outbreaks, especially of novel agents, create a pressing need to collect data on clinical characterization, treatment, and validation of new diagnostics to inform rapid public health response. We compared our findings to the 2018 systematic review on SARS and MERS to determine which questions have already been addressed, what information is lacking, and provide recommendations for data sharing and clinical study designs to be conducted during the current outbreak. These observational studies are practical in the fast-paced outbreak setting, as they are easier than randomised controlled The First Few X (FFX) WHO Protocol What are the risk factors for death or severe illness? ./cache/cord-289520-i6pv90s9.txt ./txt/cord-289520-i6pv90s9.txt