id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-000113-d0eur1hq Fooks, Anthony R. Emerging Technologies for the Detection of Rabies Virus: Challenges and Hopes in the 21st Century 2009-09-29 .txt text/plain 6937 319 38 The advent of molecular biology and new technological initiatives that combine advances in biology with other disciplines will support the development of techniques capable of high throughput testing with a low turnaround time for rabies diagnosis. The advent of molecular biology and new technological initiatives that combine advances in biology with other disciplines will support the development of techniques capable of high throughput testing with a low turnaround time for rabies diagnosis. Another method for the detection of rabies virus antigen from postmortem samples is a recently developed rapid nostic test (RIDT) based on the principles of immunochromatography [13] . Development of RT-LAMP assays for use in diagnosis and surveillance is challenged by the considerable sequence variation observed within the rabies virus genome [44] that can frustrate specific primer design. Currently, high-throughput rabies virus molecular detection methods augment standard diagnostic tests or are in the process of development and refinement for use alone. ./cache/cord-000113-d0eur1hq.txt ./txt/cord-000113-d0eur1hq.txt