id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-028887-eseo7lyh Li, Chong Exploring heterologous prime-boost vaccination approaches to enhance influenza control in pigs 2020-07-09 .txt text/plain 7578 345 52 We performed a vaccination-challenge study to evaluate the protective efficacy of using multivalent inactivated vaccine and/or a live attenuated IAV vaccine (LAIV) in pigs following multiple prime-boost vaccination protocols against a simultaneous H1N1 and H3N2 IAV infection. Based on the BALF samples collected from pigs receiving WIV, the least amount of virus post-contact was detected in the heterologous treatment group AUT/ COM (Table 3) . We also tested the frequency of virus-specific IFN-γ secreting cells in PBMC samples collected at 1 week after boost vaccination from pigs in selected groups (COM/COM, AUT/AUT, LAIV/ COM and LAIV/NONE) and obtained similar results between the WIV administration groups (COM/COM and AUT/AUT). We found the heterologous prime-boost vaccination protocols may have expanded the antibody response to both H1 and H3 challenge strains as demonstrated by the higher HI titers especially in pigs from AUT/COM and LAIV/COM treatment groups. ./cache/cord-028887-eseo7lyh.txt ./txt/cord-028887-eseo7lyh.txt