id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_2dw3vuoprfdbdnrfirx5jj7jme Ashutosh Modi Modeling Semantic Expectation: Using Script Knowledge for Referent Prediction 2017 15 .pdf application/pdf 9358 872 61 Modi, A, Titov, I, Demberg, V, Sayeed, A & Pinkal, M 2017, 'Modeling Semantic Expectation: Using Script Knowledge for Referent Prediction', Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, vol. suggesting that human expectations at different levels of representation have separable effects on prediction and, as a consequence, that the modelling do not provide a computational model for estimating referent predictability. only structural linguistic features for predicting referents; the other uses general script-independent selectional preference features. We use the InScript corpus to develop computational models for the prediction of discourse referents (DRs) and to evaluate their prediction accuracy. to the Mechanical Turk experiment (Figure 2), our referent prediction model is asked to guess the upcoming DR. knowledge improves predictions of upcoming referents and that the script model is the best among We also used the estimated models to predict referring expression type ./cache/work_2dw3vuoprfdbdnrfirx5jj7jme.pdf ./txt/work_2dw3vuoprfdbdnrfirx5jj7jme.txt