id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_4vvn36orfzcjbhebqpiwh44nsa Harald G. Klimach Generation of high order geometry representations in Octree meshes 2015 19 .pdf application/pdf 7691 829 49 Keywords Polynomial approximation, Discontinuous Galerkin, Mesh generation, High-order a simple first-order voxelization within the coarse elements of the mesh for the DGFEM As such, we need a mesh like in the immersed boundary methods, but a high-order Figure 1 Illustration of the voxelization of a sphere within coarse mesh elements. indicated by the yellow surface while the thick black lines outline the elements of the actual mesh. voxelization within elements follows the Octree refinement towards the sphere and is indicated by the enable high-order material definitions within the mesh elements. areas, but we still need to obtain high-order surface approximations inside the elements • Voxelization (and flooding) within elements of the final mesh to identify color color boundaries in volumes by the voxelization method described above for the mesh. Generation of high order geometry representations in Octree meshes Generation of high order geometry representations in Octree meshes Generation of high order geometry representations in Octree meshes ./cache/work_4vvn36orfzcjbhebqpiwh44nsa.pdf ./txt/work_4vvn36orfzcjbhebqpiwh44nsa.txt