id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_k2rbb6kaibeglln3pargxs36wy Adam Hughes PAME: plasmonic assay modeling environment 2015 23 .pdf application/pdf 11291 1917 1 protein binding to a multiplexed sensor composed of a mixed layer of gold and silver binding events onto a mixed layer of gold and silver nanoparticles in a multiplexed Many plasmonic sensors can be modeled as a multilayer stack of homogeneous materials, (A) Panel to view material quantities such as index of refraction, n(λ), and nanoparticle extinction cross section, Currently shown is e(λ) for a layer of gold nanoparticles in water at a fill fraction of about 30% using Garcia's mixing model. The optical properties of a gold nanoparticle, however, depend on the index Figure 4 Theoretical optical absorption and scattering properties of gold and silver nanoparticles. Surface plasmon resonance-based fiber optic sensors: principle, probe surface plasmon resonance sensor by controlling formation of gold nanoparticles and its on optical fiber using reflected localized surface plasmon resonance. Optical models for conjugates of gold and silver nanoparticles with surface plasmon resonance based fiber optic sensors. ./cache/work_k2rbb6kaibeglln3pargxs36wy.pdf ./txt/work_k2rbb6kaibeglln3pargxs36wy.txt