id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_l3z5e7xzgfegbmvfa6eryggaaq Jarrett D. Phillips HACSim: an R package to estimate intraspecific sample sizes for genetic diversity assessment using haplotype accumulation curves 2020 37 .pdf application/pdf 15506 1545 58 sample sizes needed to observe the full range of DNA barcode haplotype variation that Keywords Algorithm, DNA barcoding, Extrapolation, Iterative method, Sampling sufficiency, DNA barcode haplotype sampling completeness, a technique suggested by Phillips, Gillis required sample sizes needed for adequate capture of within-species haplotype variation. the number of observed haplotypes (i.e., unique DNA sequences) (H*) for a given species. with N =5 sampled specimens (DNA sequences) possessing H*=5 unique haplotypes. Figure 3 Iterative extrapolation algorithm pseudocode for the computation of taxon sampling sufficiency employed within HACSim. A user must input N , H* and probs to run simulations. the H*=10 estimated haplotypes have been recovered for this species based on a sample size of N =180 the H*=10 estimated haplotypes have been recovered for this species based on a sample size of N =180 haplotypes for this species have been recovered based on a sample size of N =171 specimens. ./cache/work_l3z5e7xzgfegbmvfa6eryggaaq.pdf ./txt/work_l3z5e7xzgfegbmvfa6eryggaaq.txt