id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_sytjzbtv25fdlo34wpz4crxwue Zhengyan Dai The doctor's digital double: how warmth, competence, and animation promote adherence intention 2018 29 .pdf application/pdf 12984 1851 57 Results: Warmth and competence increased adherence intention and consultation doctor's realism and potential for eeriness might affect a patient's intention to adhere high-realism source was the doctor depicted by a real human actor and the low-realism message source's warmth, competence, and realism influence the enjoyment of the virtual virtual or real, given that a doctor's warmth and competence increase patient satisfaction designed to manipulate the doctor's level of warmth, competence, and realism, respectively. Dr. Richards' human realism and eeriness were measured using three source appearance test the main and interaction effects of Character, Outcome, and Depiction on Warmth, Warmth, Competence, Human Realism, Eeriness, and Enjoyment. Variables Warmth Eeriness Enjoyment Human Realism Depiction (Model 4a) and between both Eeriness and Warmth and Enjoyment and Human The doctor's digital double: how warmth, competence, and animation promote adherence intention The doctor's digital double: how warmth, competence, and animation promote adherence intention ./cache/work_sytjzbtv25fdlo34wpz4crxwue.pdf ./txt/work_sytjzbtv25fdlo34wpz4crxwue.txt