id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_zmw4nyamdvhgbjpenjnarukk7m Arfon M. Smith Software citation principles 2016 31 .pdf application/pdf 13721 2037 60 The FORCE11 Software Citation Working Group was created in April 2015 with the overlaps and differences; create a list of use cases related to software citation, recorded Software Citation Principles document was discussed in a day-long workshop and then modified based on discussions of the FORCE11 Software Citation Working Group We documented and analyzed a set of use cases related to software citation in FORCE11 Software Citation Working Group ( Wilson (2013) suggests that software authors include a CITATION file that documents cite software, and journals such as F1000Research ( research product, provenance data will include some of the cited software. section Use Cases, originally found in FORCE11 Software Citation Working Group. use cases, including explaining in more detail how the software citation principles � Format for citing software in source code, documentation, or citation metadata file � Format for citing software in source code or citation metadata file Available at ./cache/work_zmw4nyamdvhgbjpenjnarukk7m.pdf ./txt/work_zmw4nyamdvhgbjpenjnarukk7m.txt