id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_iz66yxofdfartnanworlyffy4a Catriona McKinnon Climate justice in a carbon budget 2015 22 .pdf application/pdf 6715 389 59 the author of Climate Change and Future Justice: Precaution, Compensation, The fact of a carbon budget given commitment to limiting global-mean compensation for the harms and risks of climate change, (c) radical new ideas about a place for criminal justice in tackling climate change, and (d) catastrophe Keywords: carbon budget; climate ethics; intergenerational justice; distributive Climate Justice in a Carbon Budget Climate Justice in a Carbon Budget Climate Justice in a Carbon Budget Climate Justice in a Carbon Budget In this paper I shall lay out a roadmap of approaches to climate justice given how the fact of the carbon budget brings future people within the scope of theories of both present and future people, further questions of justice are raised given the of emissions allocations now given a requirement to ensure that future people (2011), Climate Change and Future Justice: Precaution, (2006), 'Distributive Justice and Climate Change: The ./cache/work_iz66yxofdfartnanworlyffy4a.pdf ./txt/work_iz66yxofdfartnanworlyffy4a.txt