id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-262523-hxoyfh6o Kaur, Gagandeep Resolution of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Following Termination of Pregnancy 2014-02-28 .txt text/plain 1979 142 41 title: Resolution of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Following Termination of Pregnancy A cute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a rare autoimmune illness characterized by inflammation of central nervous system myelin with resultant white matter damage. 13 Ms. A's neurological status began to improve after the pregnancy was terminated. 14 In contrast, other cases of fulminant demyelinating disease during pregnancy have resulted in coma. 15, 16 Another demyelinating illness, Marburg's Disease, is similarly rapid and fulminant, but less likely during pregnancy; 1 case, resistant to steroids, IVIg, and plasmapheresis, resulted in death. Alternatively, a direct immune-mediated response to the fetus may have triggered the ADEM; this is supported by the beginning of recovery after pregnancy termination in our vignette. Given ethical concerns and the rarity of this condition, it is impossible to determine whether a causal relationship exists between termination of pregnancy and resolution of treatment-resistant ADEM. ./cache/cord-262523-hxoyfh6o.txt ./txt/cord-262523-hxoyfh6o.txt