id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-324929-yw6uqfw6 Amadasun, Solomon Covid-19 palaver: Ending rights violations of vulnerable groups in Africa 2020-06-25 .txt text/plain 1158 58 48 It notes that while governments in the region have declared restrictions on social gathering, in a bid to curtail the deadly disease, violations of human rights of vulnerable groups by State security operatives are on the increase. Since human rights reflects an integral aspect of democratic rule, how long will it have to take to become institutionalized in Africa especially given that many state officials are quick to announce the entrenchment of democracy in their respective countries to the rest of the world? Suffice to say that such rights violations are not a matter of an isolated case since deaths and injuries resulting directly from these excessive use of force have been reported in many African countries including Nigeria (Human Rights Watch, 2020; AFP, 2020; Khalid, 2020), Zimbabwe (Ndangana, 2020) , Kenya (Odhiambo, 2020) , and South Africa (Siviwe, 2020; Kunene, 2020) . South Africans urged to 'respect human rights' amid COVID-19 pandemic ./cache/cord-324929-yw6uqfw6.txt ./txt/cord-324929-yw6uqfw6.txt