id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-007088-yfdb594k Coleman, Gerald L. Pathological Changes During Aging in, Barrier-Reared Fischer 344 Male Rats(1) 1977-05-17 .txt text/plain 5903 385 54 The most severe pulmonary lesion was a mild focal atypical hyperplasia (Innes, Garner, & Stookey, 1967) which occurred in a few rats over 24 mo of age. Mild to moderate focal chronic interstitial myocarditis occurred frequently in rats less than 6 mo old and then decreased in incidence with increasing age. These two lesions were not always coincidental, but one or both appeared to be the predecessor of interstitial fibrosis, >vhich was first seen at 6 to 12 mo, and increased in incidence and degree with age. The most frequent lesion was bile duct hyperplasia, which increased in incidence and severity with age. A wide variety of pathology was found and tabulated, and many lesions were found to increase in severity and incidence with age. A wide variety of pathology was found and tabulated, and many lesions were found to increase in severity and incidence with age. ./cache/cord-007088-yfdb594k.txt ./txt/cord-007088-yfdb594k.txt