id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-309809-zvh2k97q Knepple Carney, Amy Age Moderates Perceived COVID-19 Disruption on Well-being 2020-08-18 .txt text/plain 3247 202 60 DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: Findings are consistent with the strength and vulnerability integration (SAVI) model, wherein older adults try to maintain positive emotional well-being; with middle-aged and older adults in the current study having experienced less negative impact on well-being. Even in non-crisis situations, regardless of age, higher levels of global perceived stress heighten a person's negative affective response to stress (Scott et al., 2013) ; although, older adults in another study reported less of an increase in negative affect when faced with a daily stressor, compared to younger adults (Uchino, et al., 2006) . Consistent with previous findings on stress (Uchino, et al., 2006) , the current study found that when faced with a stressor, in this case a global pandemic, middle-aged and older adults may be better at regulating their emotions even when they perceive the stressor as disruptive. ./cache/cord-309809-zvh2k97q.txt ./txt/cord-309809-zvh2k97q.txt