cord-003685-jcvrqeew 2019 The APPs have demonstrated their role as early markers of inflammation in veterinary medicine, thus several APPs were tested in marine mammals, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid-A (SAA), and Haptoglobin (Hp). To examine the humoral response, species-specific antibodies against IgG were produced and used to evaluate serum IgG levels in killer whale by radial immunodiffusion assay (41) and by competitive ELISA in bottlenose dolphins (42, 43) . Serum total protein analysis were used to assess health status in several cetaceans species such as pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) (48), beluga (49) , minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) (50) and killer whales (51) as well as in other marine mammals, like harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) (52) and walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) (53) . The availability of sensitive markers of inflammation both for free-ranging and managed marine mammals is nowadays considered fundamental to evaluate the health status and, in rehabilitation setting, to monitor the response to therapy and to define the prognosis. cord-005372-7x8ro8p2 2014 PRDC is caused by a combination of viral and bacterial agents, such as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), swine influenza virus (SIV), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Myh), Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP), Pasteurella multocida and Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2). Our findings indicate that positive farms have increased risk of PRDC presentation, in particular, PCV2, APP and Myh. Swine infl uenza is an acute, highly contagious respiratory disease resulting from infection with type A infl uenza virus, a member of the Orthomyxoviridae family. PRDC results from a combination of viral and bacterial agents, including porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), swine influenza virus (SIV), Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Myh), Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP), Pasteurella multocida and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) (Kim J, et al., 2003) . The main goal of the current research was to generate surveillance, epidemiological, antigenic as well as phylogenetic data to ascertain the presence of swine influenza (H1N1) pandemic virus and determine its association with PRDC (PRRSV, Myh, APP and PCV2) in sows from production farms in Colombia. cord-013249-08t7incb 2020 Die Vorzüge eines angemessenen Einsatzes von Apps im Bereich der Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (OU) sind jedoch unbestreitbar und könnten ein enormes Potenzial für die Bewältigung zukünftiger Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen darstellen [16] . Form eines DGOU-App-Siegels ist aktuell in einem Pilottest im Einsatz Neben der Suche nach den passenden Apps ist die objektive Evaluation ihrer Sicherheit und Qualität problematisch (. Ein entsprechendes Verfahren eines App-Siegels der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DGOU) ist auf Grundlage definierter, evidenzbasierter Gütekriterien aktuell in einem Pilottest im Einsatz [12] . In Zeiten, in denen physische Arztbesuche eher vermieden oder wegen Quarantäne nicht wahrgenommen werden können, sind Telemedizin und insbesondere die OVS geeignete Mittel zur Aufrechterhaltung einer adäquaten Arzt-Patient-Beziehung und für eine kontinuierliche Betreuung des Patienten. In O und U wird der Einstieg in die Digitalisierung mit einer Reihe von Rahmenverträgen sowie durch Integration in das Patienteninformationsportal Orthinform erleichtert. cord-024247-r7m68lij 2020 The Integrated Care of Older People (ICOPE) project is an international program (2, 3), based on the measurement of "Intrinsic capacity", a new concept defined by the World Health Organization plan of action 2016-2020, as "the composite of all the physical, functional, and mental capacities of an individual" (3-6) Intrinsic capacity changes the focus from a negative paradigm of aging (diseases, disability) towards a positive focus related to "optimal aging" (4, 6). The results expected from the implementation of the ICOPE App would be i) to support primary care, and indirectly create a long-term clinical and research partnership; ii) for the older patients, to better identify those at risk of developing frailty and adverse health consequences, and to be able to make reasoned decisions in clinical routine ; and iii) for the health system, to invest in tools likely to prevent decline in intrinsic capacity and maintain function late in life. cord-028427-gtdmqi6l 2020 However, most of these apps target the first stages of learning a new language and are limited in the type of feedback that can be provided to users'' spontaneous spoken responses. The English Language Artificial Intelligence (ELAi) app was developed to address this gap by providing users with a variety of prompts for spontaneous speech and adaptive, targeted feedback based on the automatic evaluation of spoken responses. The ELAi app was developed to provide an easily accessible resource for English language learners at an intermediate or advanced level, with the goal of attending university in an English-speaking country, to practice spontaneous speech and receive feedback. The ELAi app was developed to provide an easily accessible English language learning app for users that want to receive detailed feedback about their speaking skills during spontaneous speech. cord-029354-c8sbqiyy 2020 Contact tracing is a fundamental public health intervention, and a mainstay in efforts to control and contain severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. 1 Regions with the most successful containment to date have approached the pandemic with integrated measures that include cohesive leadership, effective communication, physical distancing, wearing of face coverings, improvements in the built environment, promotion of hand hygiene, and support for the staff, supplies, and systems needed to care for patients-with testing and contact tracing as cornerstones of the approach. Along with efforts to expand conventional contact tracing programmes, there has been an ongoing debate about the value of digital contact tracing, ranging from issues of privacy, questions about efficacy, lower user adoption rates, and concern from some public health experts that mobile apps might distract resources from the core work of conventional contact tracing. cord-030529-2wkes9nk 2020 In this article, I consider the development, deployment and imagined uses of apps in two countries: Singapore, a pioneer in the field, with its TraceTogether app, and Australia, a country that adapted Singapore''s app, devising its own COVIDSafe, as key to its national public health strategy early in the crisis. The data sets generated by smartphones, computers, apps and people''s use of them, such as that data collected by Apple and Google, were used by public health officials, researchers and journalists to map population or district-level activity and movement, leading to the very interesting charts, graphs and visualisations in news and current affairs reports and features seeking to map and analyse the spread of COVID and its impact on social and economic activity. With much at stake in terms of public health concerns at a critical juncture of the COVID pandemic, the Australian government emphasised that it was keen to adopt a ''consent-based'' model, hence its interest in adapting the Singapore TraceTogether app. cord-031175-4dm4asen 2020 Thus, for being required by both governments, Self-quarantine Safety Protection app of South Korea and Health Code app of China are representative technology for examining the relationship between the effectiveness of mandatory centralized contract tracing apps and user stress. Based on the coping theory (Beaudry and Pinsonneault 2005; Lazarus and Folkman 1984) , this study proposes a structural equation model that shows the relationships between contact tracing app users'' stress and how they accept such stress through a process called challenge appraisal. To test the research hypotheses derived from the proposed structural equation model, survey data were collected from the users of Health Code, which is the mandatory and centralized contact tracing app with the largest user base. Figure 1 shows the relationships among accuracy and privacy concerns as factors affecting stress, challenge appraisal, emotion-focused coping behavior, and infusion as a structural equations model. cord-034677-40k68edc 2020 Danach kamen allerdings nur noch wenige neue Downloads dazu (Zahl: 18,4 Millionen, Stand: 22.09.2020) (5), auch wenn die Ergebnisse einer wiederholten Online-Befragung von Internet-Nutzer*innen durch die TU München und die Initiative D21 zeigen, dass die Akzeptanz für die deutsche Corona-Warn-App seit Juni 2020 generell gestiegen ist (6) . Vor dem Hintergrund der Nutzenbewertung und nachzuweisenden Wirksamkeit von Contact Tracing Apps, wie der Corona-Warn-App, stellt sich die Frage, was als ein positiver Eff ekt definiert und gemessen werden kann. Allerdings würde dies zu den oben bereits genannten Annahmen zusätzlich voraussetzen, dass die App korrekt und durchgängig genutzt wird und positive Testergebnisse auf einen Corona-Test auch über die App gemeldet werden. Um in Zukunft besser vorbereitet zu sein, sollten Lehren aus der Entwicklung der Corona-Warn-App dieser Pandemie gezogen und der Frage nachgegangen werden, ob es einen Mittelweg für eine Contact-Tracing-App gibt, die den Datenschutzanforderungen entspricht, es aber gleichzeitig erlaubt, epidemiologischrelevante Daten auf freiwilliger Basis zu sammeln. cord-035285-dx5bbeqm 2020 This proximity data of all app users are used to build a temporal contact graph, where vertices are devices, and edges indicate proximity between devices for a certain time period and with a certain Bluetooth signal strength. The use of the GCG App within an institutional setting, with data collection and usage governed by the organization, may lead to higher adoption of the app and enhance its effectiveness in contact tracing. The use of GCG is strictly voluntary, and there is an additional consent required by a user who is infected with COVID-19 before their data can be used for contact tracing-this, despite their data already being available centrally in the backend. Besides tracking Bluetooth contact data, the GCG App offers several features to inform the users about COVID-19 and engage them in preventing its spread. cord-122159-sp6o6h31 2020 By comparing the device users'' location trails or the anonymous ID tokens they have collected with those from people who have COVID-19, one can identify others who have been near the person who is infected; this facilitates contact tracing in a more accurate and timely manner than the traditional manual approach. • An authority (public health official, healthcare provider, government official) collects the location history from the person who is infected and makes it available to users of the app. For this reason, we are building not only a contact-tracing app, but also Safe Places, a web-based tool for public health officials working to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. • Fostering trust • Developing key partnerships, including with community officials who can help drive local support for the solution • Creating solutions that meet the needs of public health officials responding to the pandemic • Focusing on the needs of the users • Providing value to the user during a contact-tracing interview even if they choose not to download the app before they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 cord-173774-idj19hd3 2020 There is an ongoing debate on the deployment of the Apps regarding their technology framework, i.e. centralised [3, 4] versus decentralised [5, 6] , and their corresponding sensor technologies, i.e. the Global Positioning System (GPS) integrated with Quick Response (QR) codes scanning [7, 8] and big data analysis [9,10], versus the wireless Bluetooth devices [11] enabled by microwave [12, 13] and millimetre-wave [14] [15] [16] [17] communications. These Apps follow the DP-3T (Decentralised Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing) [19] data protection solution recently developed by the European Academics. 6. Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology framework [20] (yet to be released in May) -privacy-preserving contact tracing, Bluetooth based, decentralised, free of GPS. We produce the first geolocation mapping for the global deployment of the COVID-19 contact-tracing apps in Fig. 1 , with the format codes in an order of the country name, App name, the number of users (download times), and the underpinning technologies (GPS, QR codes, Bluetooth). cord-191351-3wu62bao 2020 In this work, we survey over 4,500 Americans to evaluate (1) the effect of both accuracy and privacy concerns on reported willingness to install COVID19 contact tracing apps and (2) how different groups of users weight accuracy vs. Drawing on our findings from these first two research questions, we (3) quantitatively model how the amount of public health benefit (reduction in infection rate), amount of individual benefit (true-positive detection of exposures to COVID), and degree of privacy risk in a hypothetical contact tracing app may influence American''s willingness to install. Thus, we examine not only the societal-level, public health benefit of infection rate reduction, but also how app accuracy and app privacy, risk of the app exposing information collected by the app to others, influence reported willingness to adopt a COVID19 app. cord-229942-vofuo2g1 2020 Furthermore, we include three parameters for the following expression: (1'') the usage rate of the app; (2'') decreasing value of going out probability of persons who have contact with infectors via the app; (3'') infection registration rate of infectors through the app. Consequently, we find the infection probability that persons from 5% to 10% of the total population become infectors in 45 days when all agents do not use the app. In the results generated by random seed of 30 patterns, there were 2 cases in which the infection did not spread even though the app was not used (the total number of infectors at the end of the simulation is below 30). As shown in Fig.4 , there are no cases of the number of infectors less than 32.5 persons in the result of the usage rate of the app (p 1 app = 20%). cord-251539-cl8caw0q 2020 Organization The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II provides background knowledge about the BLE technology, and the existing proximity tracing solutions for ACT apps; Section III introduces the system model and the threat model of the relay attack we designed against GAENbased ACT apps; Section IV outlines the design of ACTGuard; Section V describes our implementation of the relay attack against Immuni and our proof of concept of ACTGuard, i.e., ImmuniGuard; Section VI illustrates the related work concerning security and privacy issues of ACT apps; finally, in Section VII, we conclude the paper with a discussion about ACT apps. During our selection, we aimed to include entries for each of the most popular proximity tracing protocols, to represent a wide variety of countries and to showcase the various combination of technologies and privacy approaches with respect to the following criteria: the adopted proximity tracing protocol, the technology used for performing the contact tracing, the set of personal data required to be shared by the app user and, finally, the resilience to replay and relay attacks. cord-268126-u9z1rir1 2020 The viability of CT apps as a useful pandemic-response measure, depends on a complex interplay of criteria, such as pragmatic assumptions about effectiveness, the likelihood of public health benefit, technological specifications, legal requirements etc. Nevertheless, risks that cannot be easily mitigated or avoided could still be acceptable, considering the severity of a pandemic situation, the importance of effective contact tracing to manage it, and the scope of established measures to stop virus transmission. Predicting future uptake of CT apps is difficult and depends on various factors, such as the penetration range rate of digital technologies in a society, the possibility to download and use the app on different types of smartphones, the credibility of institutions offering these solutions, and viable solutions for ethical concerns such as data security. Ethical considerations to guide the use of digital proximity tracking technologies for COVID-19 contact tracing. cord-280449-7tfvmwyi 2020 The purpose of the present research is to identify the target market, demand, and price point as well as to solicit student and instructor/professor perceptions of the empathy-training mobile app. Addressing Research Question 1 (who would want to use this app), 44% of students and 53% of instructors/professors said that their program features at least one course that focuses on interpersonal communication. Faculties from where most professors and instructors indicated that they had an interpersonal communication course in their program included Business, Education, Health Sciences, Law, and Social Work. For example, one participant (man, student, Faculty of Engineering) wrote, "low chance of repeated use, requires time commitment and analysis." Together, these responses provide additional insight into potential concerns, factors to consider when creating the app, and the target market (e.g., offer a free trial, ensure reliable security, promote broad applicability). cord-285402-x86yw525 2020 App categories were determined based on app categories already in place on the Apple Store, with the exception of a category to address the specific needs of OAs with visual and hearing impairment, for which we did a custom search using the terms "blind" and "deaf" Details about the app developer, cost (both to download and for services included in the app), function, ratings and reviews, and user experience (in the form of anecdotes) were searched and summarized. App ratings ≥ 4.5 and ≥ 3,000 reviews on the Apple Store Exceptions • Facetime was included due to known popularity and use • Medisafe was given an exemption from exclusion due to known beneficence from background literature search health, and meets OAs'' various social and functional needs during social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak. cord-298569-174bzxdh 2006 The potential for using acute phase proteins (APPs) in the assessment of herd health was studied by examining the levels of serum haptoglobin, serum amyloid A (SAA) and plasma fibrinogen in relation to clinical findings and leukocyte counts in calves. The aim of this study was to further evaluate the potential of using serum APPs in the assessment of overall calf herd health by examining the levels of haptoglobin, SAA and fibrinogen in relation to clinical findings and leukocyte counts in calves in farms specialised for beef production. This result was Table 2 Mean (SD) number of sampling days per calf with levels of serum haptoglobin, serum amyloid A (SAA) and plasma fibrinogen values above basal levels A in two groups (A and B) of calves sampled on ten occasions during the six week period after housing surprising as none of the animals had a patent infection with the presence of larvae in faeces. cord-299035-vnyv0oj2 2020 title: Intelligent Rehabilitation Assistance Tools for Distal Radius Fracture: A Systematic Review Based on Literatures and Mobile Application Stores OBJECTIVE: To systematically analyze the existing intelligent rehabilitation mobile applications (APPs) related to distal radius fracture (DRF) and evaluate their features and characteristics, so as to help doctors and patients to make evidence-based choice for appropriate intelligent-assisted rehabilitation. This study provides reference for patients with different needs to choose appropriate intelligent auxiliary rehabilitation tools: the services provided by intelligent intervention and monitoring APPs are more humanized with easier instruction to operate, which is suitable for middle-aged and elderly patients who cannot master APP skillfully; the rehabilitation gaming APPs are more interesting, but the operation and use process is relatively complicated, which are more suitable for younger patients; and the angle measurement APPs require relevant rehabilitation theory knowledge and are more suitable for patients to utilize under the guidance of medical staff or with the assistance of family members. With the development of the mHealth medical model, intelligent rehabilitation APPs and tools are gradually being used in clinical and patient independent health management. cord-307184-ccmnkl0e 2020 In light of the many open questions surrounding the viability of app-based contact tracing, we designed a survey to measure public support for this approach in five countries that are currently hit by the COVID-19 pandemic: France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US. We use multivariate regression analysis (linear probability models; probit and ordered logit in additional analyses presented in the Multimedia Appendix) to examine the relationship between intention to install and a number of covariates: age, gender, country, presence of comorbidities (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or breathing problems), usage of mobile phone outside the house, frequency of social interactions, ability to work from home during the lockdown, ability to obtain sick pay while working from home, trust in national government, and incidence of COVID-19 deaths in a respondent''s region of residence (see Section C.3 in the Multimedia Appendix for more details). cord-307393-z0k3cujs 2020 The bibliometric analysis included the year of publication, journal name, citation, author, country, and particularly, research methodology. The variables analyzed for the bibliometric study were the year of publication, author, country of institutional origin, language of publication, type of document, journal, number of citations, area of research, topics analyzed, and the research method used. Finally, based on all the information obtained as well as our thorough review of the contributions that are part of this bibliometric study, we now describe the main topics of research on the subject of fitness apps: 2) Analysis of the quality and performance of the use of the apps concerning the objectives of the users. Several bibliometric indicators (e.g., distribution of years of publication, Price''s index, author productivity, Bradford''s Law, h-index, number of citations, source of publication, research areas, research methods, etc.) were analyzed to understand the main features and patterns of research on fitness apps. cord-318279-byophdo2 2020 title: Comparison of Effectiveness of Mobile App versus Conventional Educational Lectures on Oral Hygiene Knowledge and Behavior of High School Students in Saudi Arabia OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of two different oral health education approaches, a mobile application (the Brush DJ app) and conventional educational lectures, on the oral hygiene knowledge and behavior of high school children. This study aimed to assess and compare the impact of two different approaches of oral health education, mobile application and educational lecture, on the oral hygiene knowledge and behavior of high school children. Analysis of baseline and follow-up data revealed that the knowledge and attitude of participants towards oral health improved significantly in both groups for almost all aspects except for the frequency of tooth brushing in the app group [see Table 3 ]. The use of both the mobile app and educational lecture significantly improved oral health knowledge, attitude and practices among study participants. cord-319784-lpmsalux 2015 title: Pilot use of a novel smartphone application to track traveller health behaviour and collect infectious disease data during a mass gathering: Hajj pilgrimage 2014 Pilot use of a novel smartphone application to track traveller health behaviour and collect infectious disease data during a mass gathering: Hajj pilgrimage 2014 1 Therefore, we conducted a pilot study using a smartphone app to examine its feasibility to track not only Hajj pilgrim KAP regarding preventive measures, but also symptom onset and participation in high-risk activities before, during, and after Hajj 2014. The first screen (first phase) is the pre-Hajj questionnaire, including data on participant demographics, pre-existing chronic diseases, vaccinations received before travel, factors influencing vaccination decision and uptake, perception of the risk of respiratory infection during Hajj, willingness to participate in highrisk activities, such as drinking unpasteurised milk, and awareness of official health recommendations provided by Saudi Arabian authorities. cord-322812-9u3ptqjs 2020 METHODS: We undertook enzyme linked immunosorbent assay characterisation of IgM and IgG responses against SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and nucleocapsid protein of 431 unselected general-population participants of the TwinsUK cohort from South-East England, aged 19-86 (median age 48; 85% female). 382 participants completed prospective logging of 14 COVID-19 related symptoms via the COVID Symptom Study App, allowing consideration of serology alongside individual symptoms, and a predictive algorithm for estimated COVID-19 previously modelled on PCR positive individuals from a dataset of over 2 million. We undertook a population-based study of the humoral immune response to SARS-CoV-2, with regards to longitudinal clinical symptoms collected through a mobile phone app in a population-based sample of 431 TwinsUK volunteers. For three months prior to the visit, the majority of participants had completed regular logging of symptoms, via the C-19 Covid Symptom Study app 5 , enabling measurement of antibody response to COVID-19 with regards to clinical symptoms. cord-323766-oyyj35bl 2020 In this paper, our aim is to set out a number of ethical considerations relevant to the use of mobile phone apps to enable rapid contact tracing. Any consideration of the ethical questions arising in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic has to place great importance on the moral significance of its international spread and the massive scale ii The effectiveness and reach of any implementation of the app in democratic societies will inevitably be affected by varying configurations of state-citizen relationships, as well as by the roles of civil society groups and non-governmental actors. In this paper, we have set out a number of pressing ethical questions raised by the proposed use of a mobile phone app, the collection of proximity data for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the safe emergence of populations from government-imposed lockdowns. cord-350000-eqn3kl5p 2020 The objective of this study is to provide an analysis of treatment and management-related functionality and characteristics of high-rated mobile applications (apps) for anxiety, which are available for Android and iOS systems. Results also showed that 51% of the selected apps used various gamification features to motivate users to keep using them, 32% provided social features including chat, communication with others and links to sources of help; 46% offered offline availability; and only 19% reported involvement of mental health professionals in their design. This study aims to analyze the functionality and characteristics of highly 5 J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f rated anxiety apps to identify users'' preferred features and management methods delivered for anxiety with a smartphone or a tablet. cord-353340-l0icku0i 2020 title: Improving Access to Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidelines in 4 African Countries: Development and Pilot Implementation of an App and Cross-Sectional Assessment of Attitudes and Behaviour Survey of Healthcare Workers and Patients The purpose of the study is to highlight the development and implementation of a smartphone/mobile app (app) for antimicrobial prescribing guidelines (the Commonwealth Partnerships for Antimicrobial Stewardship—CwPAMS App) in Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia and to evaluate patients'' and healthcare providers'' perspectives on the use of the App in one of the participating institutions. The purpose of the study is to highlight the development and implementation of an app to support prudent antimicrobial prescribing and improved antimicrobial stewardship practice; as part of the Commonwealth Partnerships for Antimicrobial Stewardship (CwPAMS) programme in Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia and to conduct a pilot Antibiotics 2020, 9, 555 3 of 14 study assessing patients and healthcare providers'' perspectives on the use of the app in one of the hospitals in Ghana. cord-354678-tlba8flz 2020 Implementation science proposes various theories, models, and frameworks (called tools henceforth) that can be used to improve diffusion of evidence-based interventions, adapt innovations to local contexts, better understand the implementation setting, and evaluate the implementation process (2, (15) (16) (17) (18) . The current study utilizes an implementation science tool to systematically design, implement, monitor, adapt, and report on a community-based mHealth intervention for child health. Before going to the field to prepare the local actors, the implementation team was trained on the use of the CHEST App, how to coach the CHAs, how to conduct an effective home visit with the tool, and how to identify and report challenges experienced by the CHAs. The CHEST App was developed throughout the 6 months of the installation phase.