cord-002137-j5sfiyz8 2010 Nevertheless, these findings highlight that more needs to be done to understand barriers to vaccination in this group, to inform the development of appropriate strategies to increase vaccination coverage in primary health care staff, with a special focus on PNs. Influenza is a serious respiratory virus which costs the Australian healthcare system $115 million annually. Whilst there have been numerous Australian studies on influenza vaccine uptake amongst hospital and institutional HCWs 6, [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] and some studies on attitudes of primary care clinicians to influenza vaccination for their patients 14, 15 , there has been limited published studies to date on influenza vaccination coverage, barriers and enablers amongst primary health care staff in Australia. More recently, a national survey from the Australian General Practice Network (AGPN) 23 assessed influenza vaccination coverage in GPs and PNs in the same years as our study (2007 ⁄ 2008) with similar response rates (34% versus 36%). cord-007577-f1jzbtjj 2006 Frequency of HAA in acute hepatitis: After the initial suggestion in 1967 by Blumberg and co-workers [4] that Australia antigen might be related to the infectious agent of viral hepatitis, and the demonstration in 1968 by Okochi and Murakami [5] and Prince [6] that the antigen appeared in blood of patients during the incubation period of serum hepatitis, a number of investigators reported further evidence for existence of a hepatitis-associated antigen (Table II) . The antibodies used diagnostically to measure HAA by precipitin and complement fixation technics all come from patients who have received multiple transfusions and in whom high titer "hyperimmune" anti-HAA developed apparently as a result of repeated exposure to antigen in transfused blood. [29] tested serum obtained at weekly intervals from twenty-two patients with HAA-positive hepatitis during a one to two month period after onset of disease and found only one antibody detectable by agar gel precipitin technics and two antibodies of low titer detectable only by complement fixation. cord-009582-3206fmbs 2009 This is a critical story that needs to be read, remembered and put into practice and the AVA will continue to communicate with members nationally as well as through our SIG''s, divisions and branches. This is another reason behind the move at this year''s AGM to charge new life members 50% of the full AVA member fee -it recognises that demands tend to be lower on our variable costs, but that fixed costs still need to be covered. To maintain the high professional standard of the awards, the selection committee will include senior representatives of the wide diversity of practice types in Australia as well as the veterinary industry. A s we''ve previously reported, the AVA formed a taskforce of veterinarians to develop a submission for the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) about the affect the award modernisation process would have on the veterinary profession. cord-009583-ldkjqco6 2014 • ensure all team members are kept abreast of changes in the clinic and given opportunities to provide suggestions to improve patient care and client service • recognise team members for their contributions • provide all staff with adequate resources and guidance to complete their jobs in a meaningful fashion and provide opportunities for growth and professional development • ensure all team members have clearly defined roles and are given autonomy to make decisions consistent with their position in the practice • encourage colleagues and supervisors to provide guidance and social support to help team members develop coping skills • take steps to create and maintain a positive work environment -this may include addressing conflicts among co-workers, ensuring all employees are treated equally and fairly, promoting civility and collegiality • consider current staff numbers and individual workloads to prevent excessive workload. cord-009641-eciycfpr 2008 My proposal is to standardise the membership subscription to a single AVA membership (National and Divisional sub) and drop all Branch fees. • Branches need not charge a membership fee as all AVA members in an area would be automatic members. The Australian Companion Animal Health Foundation, The Veterinary Benevolent Fund, The AVA Animal Welfare Trust, Comfund and PetPEP, should be contributed to by all members. Mills raised a number of interesting points regarding the recent availability in Australia of a vaccine to protect dogs against both coronavirus and Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae. The prevalence of leptospirosis in dogs is the highest in Queensland 1 (where it is caused by a number of serovars of which the most common is currently sv australis), but other States are not free from the disease. These results indicate that infection with CCV in dogs is widespread throughout Australia. cord-010307-sxh5mq1q 2005 Abstract Patterns in the composition of assemblages of microbat species sampled during the late dry season (the ''build‐up'') in north Australian savannas were assessed against a range of environmental factors as well as four a priori defined habitat types (riparian, escarpments, coastal and woodlands). However, we expect this will have a negligible effect on our results as shot sampling at all other sites, used in conjunction with Anabat detectors, enabled us to collect an extensive reference call library for ''high-flying'' bat species for the entire study area (Milne 2002) . Group 5 also had relatively few sites and low species richness, but was associated with the minima or maxima of several environmental variables including long distances to escarpments, flat terrain at low elevations with no rock, low local roost potential, high annual temperatures and low fire frequency. cord-014922-pqy8bikp 2003 In this book McMichael argues that the way to make sense of this paradox is to use a broad human ecological perspective on population health. Most of the well-known infectious ''crowd'' diseases appear to have developed during this transition; although the ''leap'' from animal species to humans can still occur today, of course, as HIV and SARS attest: writing before the recent SARS outbreak McMichael notes: ''in southern China, the intimate pig/duck farming culture creates a particularly efficient environment in which multiple strains of avian viruses infect pigs. The persuasive force of this book comes more from the weight of its examples of social-ecological processes influencing patterns of health and disease in populations than from any systematic theory describing these relationships. Australian National University This volume offers anthropological accounts of the evolution, production, and consumption of various social policies in contemporary Japan. cord-020941-1qwbkg9o 2007 Historical records indicate that the majority of attempts at vertebrate biological control have been ad hoc efforts and not the product of careful studies designed to elucidate factors and conditions likely to affect the impact of natural enemy introductions on pest populations. Biological control should be fostered internationally because many countries experience similar problems (e.g., rabbits are agricultural pests in Argentina, Australia, Chile, Europe, and New Zealand; rats, cats, and dogs attack endangered faunas on many oceanic islands; feral pigs and goats in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States degrade habitat and threaten endangered flora). Rabbit populations in Australia and New Zealand are maintained at low levels by introduced predators, but regulation only occurs after pest numbers have been reduced by other means. cord-021818-s8kqfz6a 2011 Leisure and tourism provision in the local government sector may include: It should be noted that sometimes services are free, sometimes they are subsidized and sometimes they are provided at full commercial rates. l distinguish between private-and public-sector organizations; l understand the differences in finance, control, structure and objectives of organizations; l understand ways in which capital can be raised; l analyse movements in share prices; l analyse the effects of different organizational structures on organizational behaviour. Profit-making private-sector organizations consist of those with unlimited liability, those with limited liability and companies which are quoted on the stock exchange. Amadeus, a leading travel IT company, was refloated on the Madrid Stock Exchange in 2010 meaning its shares were made available to the public and that the owners of the company were able to raise a large amount of capital. 3 Tourism Concern is:(a) A non-profit-making organization.(b) A local government organization.(c) A nationalized industry.(d) Quoted on the stock exchange. cord-022708-rr3xua38 2019 In the November 2018 report ''Motivation, Satisfaction and Retention: Understanding the importance of vets'' day to day work experiences'' from the BVA and the University of Exeter, two of the key findings included ''feeling like one fits in with those who have been successful before you, and having role models'' as being important to motivating veterinarians, facilitating their professional satisfaction and retaining them in the profession. The federal Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is currently leading a working group comprising representatives from state governments, the Australian Veterinary Association, RSPCA Australia and Food Standards Australia and New Zealand. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is currently developing their 7th strategic plan (2021-2024) and they too are looking at their future role, particularly on global issues such as food security, climate change, species conservation and the future of the veterinary profession. cord-023306-3gdfo6vd 2010 Conflict of Interest No. Purpose We examined age trends in the distribution of stage at diagnosis in patients presenting with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at tertiary hospitals. Methods Eleven healthy male subjects, aged 28(8) (SD) years completed separate visits with (a) no restriction and (b) chest wall strapping to reduce FVC by 30 (7) Introduction Glossopharyngeal breathing (GPB) is used by competitive breath-hold divers to increase lung gas content above TLC to improve performance. Our DC culture results showed that both MHC-I and MHC-II expression on DCs from COPD were significantly down regulated compare to healthy controls, which could affect MHC restricted Ag presentation, and lead to a failure to activate responder T cells. cord-024853-07n3wroj 2020 Also, the cost structure of the universities requires some faculties (cash cows) to generate free cash flow to fund the research operations of other faculties. In contrast, in the post-war years when Stanford University started its rise to stardom, the decision was made to concentrate on postgraduate programmes (where national reputations were forged), and a relatively few areas where government funding signalled national importance-one of which was electronics research. The major vehicles used to codify education, such as the common range of degrees; deliver education, such as teaching philosophy, curriculum design, lectures, tutorials and web-based materials; assess learning, such as assignments and examinations; and do research, such as academic time and research equipment, are similar across all of Australia''s universities. Also, there now seems to be a need to manage an ever-growing number of risks within the university environment, such as OH&S, staff welfare, student welfare, student malpractice, research malpractice, cyber risk, data risk, ethical risk, operational risk, financial risk, regulatory risk, crisis risk, climate risk, reputation risk. cord-025496-lezggdjb 2020 This paper scopes the policy-making potential of polysemic ideas by examining the impact of an ambiguous concept known as ''One Health'' on responses to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Australia and the UK. The cases show that Australian and UK governments both developed strategies against AMR while consulting broad arrays of stakeholders across human and animal health, food production, and the research sector. To scope the role of polysemic ideas in actual policy-making, we next investigate the political implications of ''One Health'', a concept that has become accepted among global and national public health authorities as the key ''approach'' to emerging infectious diseases (One Health 2017). While both countries have responded to AMR with national strategies and more specific policy initiatives, particularly in human health, Australia appears to be making less progress than the UK in critical areas such as surveillance in the veterinary health and food sectors. cord-030529-2wkes9nk 2020 In this article, I consider the development, deployment and imagined uses of apps in two countries: Singapore, a pioneer in the field, with its TraceTogether app, and Australia, a country that adapted Singapore''s app, devising its own COVIDSafe, as key to its national public health strategy early in the crisis. The data sets generated by smartphones, computers, apps and people''s use of them, such as that data collected by Apple and Google, were used by public health officials, researchers and journalists to map population or district-level activity and movement, leading to the very interesting charts, graphs and visualisations in news and current affairs reports and features seeking to map and analyse the spread of COVID and its impact on social and economic activity. With much at stake in terms of public health concerns at a critical juncture of the COVID pandemic, the Australian government emphasised that it was keen to adopt a ''consent-based'' model, hence its interest in adapting the Singapore TraceTogether app. cord-031700-xxku8q1f 2020 We take an analogical approach to argue some of the issues that emerged during COVID-19 and strategies used to fight the global health pandemic also present valuable lessons for the preservation of public interest journalism and news at the local level. We conceptualise five coronavirus-related themes that resonate with a much-needed innovations agenda for local newspapers in Australia: (1) support for essential services, (2) warnings of complacency against an evolving biological threat, (3) appreciating the power of the social (4) coordinated government/policy responses and (5) ''we are all in this together''. As researchers working on a project that will gauge the civic value of Australia''s country press and develop an innovation model for the sector, 1 we have made the case for an approach to media innovation that does not simply reinforce the ''crisis'' discourse (Hess and Waller, 2020) or pin small newspaper closures like butterflies to a Google map of pandemic despair (see cord-240914-7kfo61da 2020 We can also tease out more granular findings, including: that there are now more women than men journalists in Australia, but that gender inequity is worsening, with women journalists getting younger and worse-paid just as men journalists are, on average, getting older and better-paid; that, despite the crisis besetting the industry, the demand for journalism skills has increased; and that the skills sought by journalism job ads increasingly include social media and generalist communications. • providing a comprehensive and longitudinal assessment of journalism jobs in Australia from 2012 to 2020 by analysing both job ads data and occupational employment statistics; The ACCC cited Census data showing that ''from 2006 to 2016, the number of Australians in journalism-related occupations fell by 9% overall, and by 26% for traditional print journalists (including those journalists working for print/online news media businesses)''. In the present research, in Jobs Data Analysis and Results, we use a similar set of indicators to analyse labour demand for journalists. cord-252675-axio9zna 2010 Through the use of an online survey, we aimed to measure the perceptions and responses of staff and students towards pandemic (H1N1) 2009 at a major university in Sydney, Australia. In Australia, the median age of confirmed cases is 21 years [2] Universities therefore have the potential to become explosive, centrifugal outbreak centres due to their large young adult population, high levels of close social contact and permeable boundaries. This survey was conducted to examine the understanding of and attitudes towards pandemic (H1N1) 2009 amongst students and staff at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia and their behavioural intentions during this pandemic. However in our study, few respondents had adopted the use of online teaching or learning resources as a result of pandemic influenza (H1N1). Of the participants surveyed, Asian-born respondents were the most likely to be anxious about the Australian pandemic situation, rate the situation as serious, undertake specific behavioural changes and comply with public health measures. cord-253660-bfmpxtoy 2020 The nuclear medicine profession is also gifted with inherent capabilities associated with radiation safety management that confer agility in the changing landscape; radiation control provides an infection control barrier in practice, ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principles are transferrable, foundations of radiation safety (time, distance and shielding) translate to infection control and the concept of justification, optimisation and limitation can provide immediate guidance for decision making in the COVID19 crisis. The typical nuclear medicine patient is not only high risk for contracting COVID19 but is the most vulnerable to dire or fatal outcomes. This approach allowed the high-volume diagnostic CT scanner to be a COVID19-free zone for negative patents with the lower volume symptomatic or COVIDpositive patients circulating through CT on hybrid nuclear medicine systems. In the larger public sector, a single hospital nuclear medicine department may be open to service patients while all others are in lockdown. cord-255725-7l9lk9x2 2011 This report describes advances in the understanding of how microbes elicit and evade immune responses and the sensing of pathogens by host cells that leads to the activation and production of intraand extracellular signaling molecules. C. Roy (New Haven, Connecticut, USA) presented work on Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaire''s disease, demonstrating that this opportunistic and accidental intracellular pathogen stimulates almost every pathway of the innate immune response as it infects and subsequently replicates in macrophages 7 . Beard (Adelaide, Australia), who has used transcriptome analysis of liver infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) to show that the interferon-stimulated gene product viperin and members of the interferon-inducible transmembrane family of proteins have distinct anti-HCV properties and act via inhibition of viral replication and entry, respectively, which thereby raises new possibilities for targeting chronic HCV infection. The signal-transduction programs of core cells of the innate immune response, such as macrophages, are mediated by key transcription factors such as the IRF proteins. cord-257334-4jjuwc9r 2020 Due to the social isolation measures implemented across the globe to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, people living in volatile situations of family violence are restricted to their homes. In many countries, including Australia, we have already seen an increase in demand for domestic violence services and reports of increased risk for children not attending schools (Duncan, 2020) , a pattern similar to previous episodes of social isolation associated with epidemics and pandemics (Boddy, Young & O''Leary 2020) . In many countries, including Australia, we have already seen an increase in demand for domestic violence services and reports of increased risk for children not attending schools (Duncan, 2020) , a pattern similar to previous episodes of social isolation associated with epidemics and pandemics (Boddy, Young & O''Leary 2020) . Reports of domestic abuse and family violence have increased around the world since social isolation and quarantine measures came into force. cord-262198-3slh8aha 2020 Participants ranked their top ten current primary concerns about COVID-19, and completed standardized measures to ascertain levels of negative emotions (specifically, depression, anxiety and stress). Modelling of predictors of negative emotions established several risk factors related to demographic variables, personal vulnerabilities, financial stresses, and social distancing experiences; particularly being young, being female, or having a mental illness diagnosis. . /2020 (described below) focuses on identifying the current concerns, emotional experiences and risk factors for adverse COVID-19-related mental health outcomes in people currently living in Australia. Levels of negative emotion (depression, anxiety, and stress) were examined and compared with existing Australian population norms; and were modelled as an outcome to identify possible risks factors related to demographic variables, personal vulnerabilities, financial stresses, and social distancing experiences. cord-265300-jcpyrlw9 2020 OBJECTIVES: This article compares responses to coronavirus control in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, 3 countries in which public ageism erupted over the social and economic costs of protecting older adults from Covid-19. The primary sources for this analysis include major broadsheets such as The Age and Sydney Morning Herald in Australia; The Guardian (and three tabloids, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, and The Sun) in the United Kingdom; and The New York Times and The Washington Post in the United States. (Australia has a smaller population compared to the United Kingdom and United States, and its media resources are fewer.) Nonprint sources include the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC), the British Broadcasting Commission (BBC), health policy platforms (e.g., Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]), and advocacy websites for older adults in each country. cord-271313-h9v0nmx5 2008 In Australia, extensive investigation of respiratory diseases seen in horses in Victoria and Queensland have shown that equine herpesvirus type 1 (rhinopneumonitis) is the most common aetiological agent (Duxbury and Oxer 1968; Bagust and Pascoe 1968, 1970) . These clinical signs may be produced by any of several groups of viruses (Studdert 1967) , including equine herpesvirus type 1 (previously called equine influenza virus, then *This is the third article in a series of reviews on viral diseases of animals. Virus diseases of the skin of horses in Australia have not been investigated in detail, but there is ample clinical evidence for the occurrence of equine cutaneous papillomatosis (warts), caused by a host-specific papovavirus and appearing approximately 2 -3 months after infection. Equine viral arteritis has not been detected in Australian horses, but the disease is important in that clinical signs of acute infection (fever, depression, ocular and nasal discharges, oedema of the eyelids, limbs and abdomen, coughing and difficulty in breathing, colic, enteritis, jaundice, abortion) could be confused with infection by several viruses previously discussed. cord-271863-apb8l8tq 2011 While the project is still in its infancy, the analysis of initial data is demonstrating some important findings with respect to disease distributions in space and time and risk factors, and there is considerable potential to gather vital information that could lead to targeted vaccination and treatment efforts which could be the key to the control of various diseases. In this paper we report details of this surveillance tool and illustrate its utility with a case study of canine parvovirus (CPV) occurrence and distribution during a 9-month period in the state of New South Wales. To demonstrate the utility of the Disease WatchDog system, data analysis focused on reports of CPV in the state of New South Wales. The distribution of spatio-temporal clusters of cases of canine parvovirus reported in the Disease WatchDog surveillance system between January and September 2010 in New South Wales, Australia. cord-277894-0qw0t78s 2008 Objective To estimate the frequency of serum antibodies (IgG and IgM) to canine coronavirus (CCV) in the Australian dog population and evaluate the role of CCV as a causative agent of gastroenteritis. Of those dogs that were presented with clinical signs of gastroenteritis such as diarrhoea and vomiting(n = 29), 85% were positive in the IgM ELISA and 85.7% in the IgG ELISA for antibodies to CCV. In this study we determine the prevalence of serum IgG and IgM antibodies to CCV from a larger number of dogs sampled from throughout Australia. 7, 8 In the open population of 1107 dogs tested we found 15.8% positive for anti-CCV IgG antibody, which reflects past exposure and infection with CCV whereas the electron microscopic studies detected only those dogs currently infected and shedding virus in their faeces. cord-277961-kq051s40 2013 Clostridium difficile causes neonatal enteritis in piglets; strains of PCR ribotype 078 are most commonly identified. difficile prevalence in piglets in Australia and isolated a novel strain with a unique pathogenicity locus. C lostridium difficile is the causative agent of severe enteritis ("scouring") in neonatal piglets 1-7 days of age throughout Canada, the United States, and Europe (1) . difficile isolates that cause disease in humans and production animals overlap, particularly PCR ribotype 078, which predominates in pigs worldwide. difficile strains in piglets in Australia are different from those found in the rest of the world because of Australia''s geographic isolation, strict quarantine laws regarding importation of livestock, and low human population and pig density. difficile strain circulating in piglets in Australia is of a different ribotype, 237, than that commonly found in other parts of the world. Clostridium difficile infection in humans and animals, differences and similarities cord-279649-wllc0gl5 2020 Fifteen socio-demographic variables were collected, including age (in years), gender (male, female, other), local government area of residence, if they identified as from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, whether they have a health condition or disability that limited their activity, citizenship status (born in Australia, Australian citizen, permanent resident or temporary resident), the highest level of education, relationship status, household composition, employment status, total household income bracket and whether they were the main shopper for their family. Socio-demographic characteristics of the survey respondents according to food security categories and assessments of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment and income are presented in Table 1 . This study presents results from a survey of adults in Tasmania, Australia, assessing the prevalence and socio-demographic predictors of household food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic. cord-280782-8gbktpt3 2019 Herein, case data and clinical samples from 989 and 113 cats, respectively, were analysed to identify the lineages of Carnivore protoparvovirus 1 responsible for the outbreaks of FPL in Australia (2014 to 2018), the UAE (2017) and NZ (2017-2018) and evaluate epidemiological factors associated with these outbreaks, including vaccination status. Tissues (duodenum, jejunum, colon, liver, spleen, kidney, mesenteric lymph node, heart, lung, pancreas, brain and/or bone marrow) from 11 representative Australian FPL cases that had died or been euthanised, ranging in age from 8 weeks to 12 months, including one from Melbourne in 2014 and 10 from Sydney in 2017 and 2018, were available for histological examination. Of the nine cases for which clinical samples were available for PCR and sequencing, all cats had a positive faecal CPV antigen test result (FASTest Parvo Strip, Megacor Hoerbranz, Austria) and were euthanised at diagnosis. cord-284905-h8xovybl 2008 Background and objective: To investigate the association between serological evidence of past infections with common respiratory pathogens and lung function in members of an isolated community of Aborigines from tropical coastal north‐western Australia. 3 Studies of members of an isolated coastal Australian Aboriginal community in the tropical Kimberley region of Western Australia have shown that levels of lung function measured by FEV1 and FVC were lower than those of Australians of European descent. In this tropical Aboriginal community, serological evidence of the burden of previous infections with known viral and other respiratory pathogens was associated with significant decreases in the levels of airway function, consistent with airflow obstruction. The relationship of FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio with the total number of positive titres in this study suggests that repeated infections with common respiratory pathogens may have a cumulative detrimental effect on airway function or increase susceptibility to other agents such as tobacco smoke. cord-287135-m73nepej 2017 Interesting findings include a high income elasticity as a source of the continuous doubledigit growth rates in Chinese arrivals that Australia has experienced over the past two decades, together with relatively high total trip price elasticities for both short run and long run. As summarised in Lim (1997) , Crouch (1992) , Song and Li (2008) , and Peng, Song, Crouch, and Witt (2014) , previous studies on modelling tourism demand and forecasting have typically been based upon fundamental economic theory capturing the effects of income, own-price, cross-price and occasionally some other specific factors included as dummy variables. The group Other Factors includes migration flow from China and four dummy variables capturing events that happened during the study period 1991e2014 (24 observations), namely the breakout of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in late 2002, shocks in the domestic travel supply caused by the Australian mining boom; the global financial crisis (GFC) 2008; and a trend in tourism demand for travel by the Chinese. cord-290509-56pfww0l 2000 Norwalk-like virus contamination of oysters and orange juice, and hepatitis A virus contamination of oysters have been responsible for large outbreaks of foodborne viral disease in Australia. However, 1973, and were found in the faeces and duodenal genuine interest in food or waterborne viral diseases mucosal epithelial cells of children who had been did not develop in Australia until 1978 when oysters hospitalised with acute, non-bacterial gastroenteritis were found to be responsible for a very large (Bishop et al., 1974) . Oysters harvested Victoria, by examining for the virus in faecal specifrom an estuary in northern NSW and supposedly mens that had been submitted for suspected viral depurated were suspected of causing an outbreak of gastroenteritis over the period 1980-1996. A recent report has suggested that Norwalk virus was not detected in the juice but the outbreak and Norwalk-like viruses probably account for the terminated when the juice was withdrawn from the greatest incidence of foodborne disease in Australia market. cord-291181-u2t20mgi 2020 4 In the present study, we report on the epidemiology of the COVID-19 outbreak in Australia observed thus far, as well as the predicted future numbers of cases, deaths and ICU admissions, and associated ICU costs. 5, 6 We forecasted the number of beds required for COVID-19 patients over time and its associated costs by applying the following conditions: (i) allocation of 10%, 30% and 50% of ICU beds for COVID-19; (ii) 3% (as currently observed in Australia), 5% (China) and 12% (Italy) of confirmed cases requiring intensive care 7 ; (iii) mean ICU stay between 7 and 14 days; and (iv) mean hospital stay prior to intensive care between 7 and 14 days. Based on extrapolation of trends prior to 29 March 2020, the Australian healthcare system would have been over-run by over 12,000 confirmed cases by 12 April 2020 (Supplement Figure C) . cord-293903-mvxz7lx7 2005 In broad terms, these health relations encompass a range of interactions with consequences for health, including: membership of global and regional bodies; the negotiation of international agreements; action to counter particular external threats to health; assistance to developing countries; and international trade and investment in health-related goods and services. In 2003 there were continuing developments in all these areas within a wider foreign affairs context overshadowed by official policy concerns about global and regional security, the deployment of the Australian armed forces in various theatres of service, and renewed fears of the human and economic costs of infectious diseases. These developments have furthered Australian foreign policy concerned with establishing trans-Tasman free trade, commenced some two decades ago with the negotiation of the Closer Economic Relations agreement with New Zealand. In a related development, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade promoted aged care expertise as an export service through the Australia Japan Conference. cord-294209-6i8nu9l2 2020 Rural communities have nuanced risks related to their mobility and interaction patterns coupled with heightened population needs, socio-economic disadvantage, and access and health service infrastructure challenges. Response consists of rural PHC teams adopting new preventative clinics, screening and ambulatory models to protect health workers from exposure whilst maximizing population screening and continuity of healthcare for vulnerable groups. It is imperative that mainstream pandemic policies recognize the nuance of rural settings and address resourcing and support strategies to each level of rural risk, resilience, and response for a strong health system ready for surge events. 28, 29 The focus on strong PHC is essential as most rural towns have small (<10 bed) (minimal high dependency care), or no hospitals and more remote communities rely on community clinics, nursing stations or visiting primary healthcare teams (Table 1) . cord-296167-np0b9a7o 2010 In the present study, the 3′ terminal 7.2 kb of the genome of a recently isolated variant of IBV (N1/03) was sequenced and compared with the sequences of classical and novel strains of IBV, the two main groups of these viruses in Australia. The 3 0 -terminal 7.2 kb of the genomes of the representative classical and novel Australian IBV strains were aligned with the sequences from the same region of the N1/03 isolate, and the multiple alignment results were introduced into SimPlot version 3.5.1 to identify likely recombination sites [19] . It would be appropriate to sequence and analyse the polymerase genes of classical, novel and new variant strains of IBV to obtain further information about the relationships between the different Australian IBVs. Isolation and characterization of new infectious bronchitis virus variants in Hungary cord-297129-vpg1sfsk 2020 By mid-March, the responsibility fell on academic staff to actively repurpose and redeploy resources, upskill their digital competencies, and develop new material to transition traditionally face-to-face (F2F) and blended programs to a remote learning and/or online education delivery mode (Johnston, 2020) . A reflection from one Australian colleague highlights the increased workload: "Online teaching extends the working day and the working week (to now include weekend work); the volume of email has increased exponentially." Almost all academic anatomists reported that anatomy education is likely to change permanently given the scale of change during the pandemic, with some concerned that this change will call into question traditional laboratory-based approaches, in favor of modern (now trialed) online and remote learning approaches (Table 1) . cord-297341-c2af59ip 2020 Compared to traditional care, a recent systematic review with meta-analysis (2019, n = 9 RCTs) concluded that telephone-delivered weight management interventions resulted in a significant decrease in BMI for people with overweight or obesity of −0.46 kg/m 2 (95% CI −0.73, −0.19). In an updated search (April 2020, n = 13 RCTs) of telephone-delivered dietetic services, a meta-analysis was performed that showed that telephone-delivered consultations by dietitians was a superior intervention compared to traditional care (including those with ad hoc nutrition care) for improving a range of important dietary intake measures, including fruit, vegetable, fibre and fat intake per day (see Table 1 ). 63 Another systematic review (2015, n = 9 studies) examined the effects of health interventions on weight loss among patients with cardiovascular disease reporting favourable outcomes for trials using web-based platforms(−1.44 kg; 95% CI -2.34 to −0.34; I 2 = 98%; n = 10 studies), telemedicine (−1.04 kg; 95% CI −1.12 to −0.97; I 2 = 0%; n = 3) and text messaging (−1.74 kg; 95% CI −2.51 to −0.98; I 2 = 83%; n = 4). cord-298745-3rrlap70 2007 The apparent temporally clustered emergence of Hendra virus and Nipah virus in Australia and Malaysia, respectively, and the identification of species of fruit bats ( Pteropus spp., commonly known as flying foxes) as likely reservoir hosts, poses a number of important questions on the ecology of henipaviruses. Hendra virus was first described in 1994 in Australia when it caused an outbreak of severe acute respiratory disease with high mortality in thoroughbred horses in a training stable in the city of Brisbane (Murray et al. The negative surveillance findings (based on a highly sensitive serum neutralisation test) provided a high level of confidence that Hendra virus was not being sustained by in-contact domestic animal transmission, was not established in the Queensland horse population, and that the outbreak was unlikely to have originated from domestic species. giganteus , Nipah virus infection dynamics in the species, potential modes of transmission to humans, and identification of factors precipitating emergence. cord-300227-4zalzk21 2015 1 We identified antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a public health crisis requiring global professional and political action, and reflected on how the spread of infectious diseases and AMR is affected by interconnected factors including mass transportation, climate change, environmental perturbations and mass food production. 5 The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) is setting up comprehensive surveillance of AMR and consumption through the Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia project, 6 and a similar exercise is planned for animals and agriculture. 7 One way to measure success of programs to limit AMR is through reduction of health care-associated infections (HAIs). The ACSQHC has championed hand hygiene initiatives, national infection control standards and mandatory antimicrobial stewardship programs in all Australian hospitals. New technologies have enabled development of novel rapid diagnostics and candidate vaccines which provide enormous hope for future epidemics. cord-303072-3whrbuq6 2020 PURPOSE: This study was designed to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric orthopaedic services in a paediatric tertiary hospital in South Australia. Conclusion Despite an overall decline in all paediatric orthopaedic hospital activity, the number of emergency admissions for musculoskeletal conditions did not change. In contrast to other developed countries with advanced healthcare systems, such as the USA and UK, Australia has seen rapid control of COVID-19 case numbers with minimal mortality rate, despite initiating lockdown and restricting non-urgent elective surgeries in a similar timeframe (Table 1) . Data were sourced for outpatient clinics attendance, ED presentations, musculoskeletal-related hospital admissions and surgeries performed within a six-week period between 16 March 2020 and 26 April 2020 (weeks 12 to 17 of 2020). All patients admitted to the hospital for paediatric orthopaedic surgery within the study period were identified and reviewed for: demographics, diagnosis, admission category (elective, emergency), type of surgical procedures and length of stay. cord-305391-rb5gpsvn 2020 -To be linked up to people who are further in their career for mentorship -To have a toolkit to develop leadership skills -To have considered with the support of the Program facilitator a 5-10-year career plan -To decide the next career step and why -To gain increased confidence -To be able to promote myself and my work -To gain a more strategic approach to career development and change direction if needed -To have dedicated time to reflect on my career -To develop relationships with those who have blazed the path before me At each of the subsequent workshops, these expectations were reviewed, and mentees participated in a selfassessment survey to assess progress made towards these objectives, as well as to identify broader learnings ( Table 2 and Table S2 ). cord-307038-c58mzcu9 2020 This review study is an attempt to understand the various modeling approaches used by researchers to analyze diverse barriers related to specific disease types and the various areal distributions in the country. The study introduced a multilevel approach to assess area-level variation in colorectal cancer survival due to causative factors (disease stage, comorbidity, patient characteristics and healthcare access) and analyze their individual contribution to survival. Most of the studies used the line-of-sight method to measure distances to dental care instead of determining travel time as they focused on metropolitan regions with a focus on using geospatial tools to identify accessibility [13, 16] . Current research practice is lacking in various domains ranging from spatial accessibility techniques to the consideration of patient characteristics and the analysis of different disease types as well as studies concerning only rural/remote areas. cord-307046-ko3bdvo0 2019 Complete genome sequences are now available for many of the archived isolates, allowing more accurate taxonomic assignments, analysis of their phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships with other viruses, and evaluation of the potential risks they may present to humans and wild or domestic animal populations. Scientists in these field laboratories were involved in the detection and investigation of human diseases in their respective geographic regions, surveying human and animal populations for serologic evidence of past viral infection, and searching for viruses in a wide variety of arthropods, mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians [2] . The family contains several serious human pathogens, including dengue, yellow fever, Zika, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile, and tick-borne encephalitis viruses (all arboviruses in the genus Flavivirus) and the hepatitis C virus (a member of the genus Hepacivirus). cord-307326-k3y9qb3c 2005 Countries that have removed barriers to citizens undertaking foreign tourism have limited capability to regulate outbound flows, but still retain significant capacity to increase inbound flows through measures designed to enhance destination competitiveness and encourage citizens to substitute domestic for international tourism. In assessing bilateral tourism from an economic viewpoint, Mathieson and Wall (1982) discussed the implications of measures designed to regain trade balances, Prideaux and Witt (2000) examined bilateral flows between countries in the ASEAN group and Australia, King and Choi (1999) considered the case of South Korea and Australia, Yu (1998) examined flow patterns between China and Taiwan, and Dwyer (2001) examined a range of issues related to destination competitiveness. The literature review found that demand relies on the interaction of a large range of factors that include price, personal preferences, destination image, government regulations, personal financial capacity to travel, international political/military tensions, health epidemics, concerns for personal safety, and fear of crime. cord-308682-azssgdxd 2020 To promote better collaboration for patient care, learning about, from, and with other members of the healthcare team is now an accreditation requirement for health professions training courses in many countries [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] . This research specifically examines a large-scale instructional activity for second-year medical students and second-year pharmacy students collaborating on a multi-phase asthma-related case at the Australian and Malaysian campuses of Monash University. The structure of the programs at Monash University, where both the medicine and pharmacy courses have cohorts based in Australia and in Malaysia, provides the rare opportunity to develop, implement, and evaluate a similar IPE activity with two professions in these two countries. The design of the IPE activity in this research draws on a Collaborative Care Curriculum (CCC) framework which Monash University created in 2016 to scaffold the knowledge, skills, behaviours, and attitudes for the 12 health professions represented on its campuses [13] . cord-313981-yuh5rwkt 2005 3 The epidemiology of respiratory infections in this population is related to the country of origin or transit, PAEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY REVIEWS (2005) Summary The burden of pneumonia in Australian children is significant with an incidence of 5-8 per 1000 person-years. There are limited data on pathogen-specific causes of pneumonia, however Streptococcus pneumonia is the most common bacterial cause in children under 5 years of age and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza are the predominant viral causes in young children. There are limited data on pathogen-specific causes of pneumonia, however Streptococcus pneumonia is the most common bacterial cause in children under 5 years of age and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza are the predominant viral causes in young children. The epidemiology of childhood respiratory infections partly reflects these differences, with familiar pathogens occurring frequently throughout the country, but with high incidences of bacterial pneumonia amongst Indigenous Australians and less familiar pathogens, such as meliodosis, occurring in the Northern Territory. cord-316373-v48mz21d 2020 Analytical risk assessment is a valuable approach to guide decision-making on travel restrictions and border measures during the early phase of an outbreak, when transmission is primarily contained within a source country. However, with travel restrictions from mainland China to Australia imposed from February 1, our framework was designed to consider the importation risk from China into Australia via potential intermediary countries in the Asia Pacific region. While the detailed analysis presented here is specific to Australia and the South East Asia and Western Pacific regions during the early phase of COVID-19 emergence, the framework itself is adaptable to other contexts for future outbreak response. A framework was developed to assess the risk of COVID-19 infections being imported by passengers travelling on flights from the South East Asia and Western Pacific regions to Australia as of February 19, 2020. cord-322123-z43vhxg5 2020 METHODS: All patients with a primary working diagnosis of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Version, Australian Modification F00 to F99 (mental and behavioral disorders) who underwent an air medical retrieval were included in this cost analysis. The primary aim of this article is to determine the annual air medical retrieval and in-patient hospital-direct medical costs associated with mental and behavioral disorders from a health payer perspective. 15, 16 Design and Participants A partial economic evaluation was undertaken using routinely collected air medical data for patients diagnosed in flight with a mental and behavioral disorder (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Edition, Australian Modification [ICD-10 AM], Chapter V) between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017. Further research is required to fully understand the true costs, including indirect (loss of productivity) and intangible costs (quality of life), associated with air medical retrievals for mental health care and the current level of service provision to rural and remote communities in location. cord-322612-vlxewj5k 2020 The Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) was released on February 27 (Grattan 2020) but was accompanied by little transparent communication about what was being done or which elements of the plan were receiving attention. We recommend a commitment in pandemic planning documents to sharing sources, models, and evidence at the time of deliberation, and with it, the questions advisors are asking (such as, will the same number of deaths occur regardless of strategy over the long term?) Earlier public discussion of these questions might at least have somewhat disrupted simplistic framing and use of "herd immunity," by enabling early and public scientific challenge from epidemiologists, as occurred from mid-March (Armitage and Hawke 2020; Barr 2020; MacIntyre 2020). Values-based risk communication will enable a more effective pandemic response. cord-329796-h7ins2a8 2020 In this paper, we report on the results from the first survey and explore the impact of Australia-wide lockdown on reproductive health including pregnancy intentions and contraception access. cord-334834-qg23x2pw 2020 Recognising the potential strain on intensive care units (ICUs), particularly on staffing, a working group was formed for the purpose of developing recommendations to support decision-making during rapid service expansion. METHODS: The Critical Care Pandemic Staffing Working Party (n = 21), representing nursing, allied health, and medical disciplines, has used a modified consensus approach to provide recommendations to inform multidisciplinary workforce capacity expansion planning in critical care. These strategies include the use of a strong interdisciplinary approach to identify and develop consensus for recommendations, through independent voting, to inform intensive care pandemic staffing that is reflective of the way in which care is delivered in Australian ICUs. In developing these recommendations, we actively engaged the relevant nursing, allied health, and medical professional organisations and ensured the Working Party members had broad experience in clinical practice, management, education, and research. cord-334956-pi8ifpcy 2020 title: Implementing a nurse-enabled, integrated, shared-care model involving specialists and general practitioners in breast cancer post-treatment follow-up: a study protocol for a phase II randomised controlled trial (the EMINENT trial) This study aims to test the feasibility of the EMINENT intervention for implementing an integrated, shared-care model involving both cancer centre specialists and community-based general practitioners for early breast cancer post-treatment follow-up. The objective of the study is to test the feasibility of a prospective, pragmatic randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the EMINENT intervention-a nurse-enabled, integrated, shared-care model involving cancer specialists and GPs for early breast cancer post-treatment follow-up. Training includes provision of study manual containing • Generic study information: standard operating procedures, study overview, reporting and documentation guidelines, communication flowchart, rationale for the study treatment, completion of survivorship care plan, self-management goal setting, and health coaching • Specialist Cancer Nurse-specific information: job description, intervention protocol, quality assurance, and monitoring An 8-h training program will be delivered by Experts in Cancer Survivorship and motivational interviewing. cord-336791-h2u93atf 2020 Consistent with foregoing discussion, this paper uses a mixed method approach to understand how government''s timed interventions, manifested by TIPs, are related to the panic buying, witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Third, big data analytics were used to understand the timing effect of government measures and panic buying through sentimental analysis. The full list of keywords were: "coronavirus", "corona virus", "COVID", "pandemic", "SARS", "border", "face mask", "hand sanitiser", "panic buying", "toilet paper", "lost job", "job loss", "unemployed", "jobkeeper", "jobseeker", "travel ban", "travelban", "lockdown", "quarantine", "social distancing", "shop", "coles", "woolworths", "isolation", "sacked", "centrelink", "landlord", "rent", "repayment", "closure", "closedown". The findings from the semantic analysis show that government measures associated with COVID-19 are related to panic buying. In view of the current COVID19 pandemic crisis, the paper deploys a few methods including semantic analysis, big data analytics and secondary data research to examine the relationship between government measures on managing COVID 19 and panic buying behaviours. cord-337605-s07aorzi 2020 Past pandemics may have primed us but COVID-19 unfolded on a scale not seen in modern history with many likening it to the 1918 Spanish Flu. Fortunately, medicine has progressed since then, and the response to COVID-19 in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan has been robust. The aggressive stance adopted by Australia and New Zealand in travel bans, social distancing and active quarantine and surveillance has flattened the curve, curtailed the spread and prevented overwhelming of healthcare systems by COVID-19 patients. As countries learn to live with COVID-19, with a flattened curve and limited outbreaks that can be controlled by quarantine and case contacting, coming out of a lockdown presents equal challenge to entering one. This pandemic has forced us to catch up with the rest of the world in the adoption of technology in our daily practice. cord-339716-1khdh9nf 2020 RESULTS: After the implementation of physical distancing measures in NSW, there were significant decreases in physical activity (odds ratio [OR] = .53, 95% confidence interval [CI] = .34–.83), increases in social media and Internet use (OR = 1.86, 95% CI = 1.15–3.00), and increased screen time based on participants'' smartphone screen state. Comparisons of participant characteristics between (1) those who completed baseline and follow-up, (2) those who completed EMAs pre-and post-implementation of the physical distancing policy, and (3) those who provided or did not provide sensor are provided in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 Descriptive plots of trajectories of physical activity were examined over the 22-week follow period, based on daily pedometer data, MBAR, and weekly self-report EMAs. Trajectories of self-reported fruit, vegetable, and fast food consumption were also examined based on weekly EMAs, as were trajectories of psychological well-being based on distress, well-being, and sleep duration. cord-341140-0k2udppg 2020 This papers aims to document the impact of COVID-19 on Australia''s GA sector with a focus on the issues affecting the formulation of government policies, business decisions, and mental health. It has also highlighted the lack of insight that federal policy makers have into the constituency, and the challenge of communicating to operators with varying degrees of commercial acumen across flight training, recreational hire, and on-demand charter alongside maintenance organisations and other supporting businesses. Again, the deidentified Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) and business activity data held by the ATO, in conjunction with some elements of self-reporting as part of the annual general aviation activity survey gathered by BITRE should be aggregated to present a macro data set that can be enhanced by an understanding of movement and occupancy data from public and private airports and the risk underwriting information drawn together by insurers every year. cord-343139-19t8g7u7 2020 Unfortunately, there was little strategic priority in fire control operations for the protection of key populations of threatened species, critical habitats, and threatened ecological communities. Clear guidance on how to most effectively organise species and ecosystem conservation activities before, during, and immediately following a major fire event can be helpful (Figure 2 ). and extensive control of other threats that can compound fire impacts; and collection of baseline monitoring and survey data to help identify places critical to protect, prioritise emergency responses, and provide clarity around what has been lost immediately following a fire event. Crucial elements in the preparatory phase ''before the fire'' that were not adequately addressed before the 2019-2020 Australian megafires include analysis and synthesis of species sensitivity to fire, monitoring, surveying, and mapping to delineate critical habitats for protection and emergency postfire action. cord-343461-vj6o1b18 2020 Conidia aseptate, hyaline, smooth, guttulate, subcylindrical to fusoid to irregular, straight to somewhat curved, apex subobtuse, base truncate, (9 -) Notes -Coleophoma includes species that are plant pathogenic or saprobic, occurring on a wide range of plant hosts (Crous et al. Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Helgardia anguioides ( Notes -Pseudopezicula accommodates two species of apothecial ascomycetes that cause angular leaf scorch on Vitis vinifera. Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Satchmopsis brasiliensis ( Notes -The phylogeny and morphology of Torrendiella and Hymenotorrendiella was discussed in detail by Johnston et al. Culture characteristics -(after 2 wk at 20 °C in the dark): On potato dextrose agar (PDA), colonies reach 44-47 mm diam, round shape, flat, dark olive green, dusty, aerial mycelium absent, profuse sporulation, margin white and glabrous, exudates (blackish droplets) produced mainly on the outermost colony surface; reverse olive green to olive black. cord-344212-8vlfc0mk 2020 Within hours of the Australian Government announcing the mandatory closure of all food and drink premises except for takeaway and delivery [1] , the NSW Government had announced a relaxation of liquor licensing restrictions so that any restaurant, cafe, bar, pub or club could sell alcohol for takeaway and home delivery [2] . Following reports of alcohol stockpiling among Australian consumers [11] [12] [13] and increasing alcohol sales [14] , Retail Drinks Australia, the organisation representing retail liquor nationally, announced a voluntary initiative by participating liquor retail members to introduce temporary purchase limits (Table 2 ) [32] . As some governments in Australia move towards relaxing liquor licensing laws to allow pubs, bars and restaurants the ability to provide takeaway and home delivery, we must consider the risks associated with this and monitor the implications for alcohol-related harm. cord-344438-08gqn86z 2007 Government and health authorities in Australia and overseas have recommended that businesses, community organisations and individuals implement a range of strategies to prepare for pandemic influenza, and an increasing number of resources are being produced to provide guidance on pandemic preparedness and business continuity planning [4] [5] [6] [7] . Guided by the concepts considered to be of importance in these health behaviour theories, and the protection motivation theory framework in particular, we aimed to investigate the association between selected beliefs and preparedness for pandemic influenza among small and medium business owners and managers. Binomial logistic regression analysis was used to identify the significant independent predictors of the health behaviour theory-based belief variables and the three main dependent variables: having considered the impact of, having a plan for, and needing help to prepare for pandemic influenza. cord-346136-sqc09x9c 2020 Given that social distancing is a key evidence-based behavior that will minimise transmission of SARS-CoV-2 if performed consistently at the population level, the aim of the present study was to apply the HAPA to identify the social cognition and self-regulatory determinants of this preventive behavior in samples of adults from two countries, Australia and the US. The study adopted a prospective correlational design with self-report measures of HAPA constructs (attitudes, self-efficacy, risk perceptions, intentions, action planning, coping planning, and action control) and past engagement in social distancing behavior administered at an initial time-point (T1) in a survey administered using the Qualtrics TM online survey tool. The present research has a number of strengths including focus on social distancing, a key preventive behavior aimed at reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to prevent COVID-19 infections; adoption of a fit-for-purpose theoretical model, the HAPA, that provides a set of a priori predictions on the motivational and volitional determinants of the target behavior; recruitment of samples from two countries, Australia and the US, with key demographic characteristics that closely match those of the population; and the use of prospective study design and structural equation modelling techniques. cord-354656-9ao33rq8 2014 2 The success of rat extermination in controlling plague in Sydney 3 provided a triumphant validation of new microbiological theories; Joseph Lister''s carbolic spray was adopted by local surgeons; 4 Emil von Behring''s antitoxin treatment reduced mortality from diphtheria; 5 and Paul Ehrlich''s vision of a magic bullet to cure all infections was given credibility by the effi cacy of Salvarsan (arsphenamine, an arsenic-containing compound) against syphilis. 9,10 9,10 During World War II (WWII), intensive screening of Australian troops by miniature x-ray was followed up with bacteriological testing to identify patients with active infection, for whom treatment was compulsory. Tests were developed to screen donated blood and it soon became apparent that injecting drug use had silently amplifi ed prevalence of hepatitis C infection in young people in Western countries. cord-355523-zol0k94p 2019 To clarify and advance the Planetary Health agenda within Australia, specifically in relation to emerging infectious diseases (EID) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR), national experts and key stakeholders were invited to a facilitated workshop. To clarify and advance the Planetary Health agenda within Australia, specifically in relation to emerging infectious diseases (EID) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR), national experts and key stakeholders were invited to a facilitated workshop. 7 However, a national summary box ► The emergence and spread of infectious diseases, including antimicrobial-resistant infections, pose a major health security threat. 34 The Australian National Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy 2015-2019, jointly developed by the Departments of Health and Agriculture and Water Resources, represents an example of how these silos can be linked, 35 but implementation remains challenging. Australian doctors prescribe more than twice the amount (in defined daily doses per 1000 population per day) of antibiotics compared with their counterparts in the BMJ Global Health Table 3 Responses to open-ended questions on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) cord-356173-8vrw4mag 2020 There are two major factors that influence the expected number of COVID-19 importations: incoming traveller volumes, and incidence rates of the disease in source countries. Figure 2 shows the estimated number of COVID-19 cases imported by citizens/residents and visitors from the ten largest sources before and after the respective travel restrictions were implemented. To decide whether it is safe to open international borders, governments need to understand the relationship between the number of arrivals, incidence rates in countries that act as importation sources and the expected number of COVID-19 importations. We use the monthly number of observed COVID-19 infections amongst travellers arriving into Australia from a given country to estimate the country''s true incidence rate. The importation model requires as input the date of arrival into the country under investigation (in our case Australia), the duration of the overseas stay, daily incidence rates of COVID-19 in the country of origin and the lengths of the latent and infectious periods.