id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-288710-fweorzis Marchand, Aixa D. Contextual factors shaping diverse political action: A commentary on the special issue on adolescent political development 2020-10-14 .txt text/plain 4893 221 35 As a scholar who focuses on Black parent school engagement and understandings of educational inequities and with expertise in both psychology and education (Aixa Marchand), I am particularly drawn to the Bowyer and Kahne (2020) article that emphasizes the importance of providing varied types of learning opportunities to students and its relation to increasing political engagement in youth. These findings in conjunction with theoretical work highlighting the importance of racial sociocultural processes, such as racial identity, parent socialization, and discrimination represent the necessity to further explore how youth experiences both personally and vicariously may impact their political behaviors and engagement (Anyiwo, BaƱales, Rowley, Watkins, & Richards-Schuster, 2018) . A wealth of research has shown that critical reflection of perceived inequality is associated with civic action (Diemer & Rapa, 2016; Hope et al., 2020) , therefore providing nascent evidence that parent racial socialization messages may affect political engagement in their children (Anyiwo et al., 2018) . ./cache/cord-288710-fweorzis.txt ./txt/cord-288710-fweorzis.txt