id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-264391-7fse4h3f Gow, Sheryl P. Antimicrobial drug use and reason for treatment in 203 western Canadian cow–calf herds during calving season 2009-07-01 .txt text/plain 6322 305 57 While a few studies have provided some insight to more intensive livestock production units such as hog farms (Dunlop et al., 1998; Rajic et al., 2006) , there is no information about antimicrobial drug use (AMU) in western Canadian cow-calf herds. A better understanding of AMU patterns in this population is essential to develop a baseline and determine Investigators examined antimicrobial drug use practices and reason for treatment as part of a large on-farm observational study of cow-calf herds from western Canada. The objectives of this study were to describe the frequency of treatment with any antimicrobial drug in beef calves and cows, common reasons for AMU, the types of antimicrobial drugs used, and risk factors for treatment in western Canadian cow-calf herds during the calving season. The investigation of antimicrobial drug use practices was undertaken to maximize the industry benefit from this unique opportunity for on-farm access to individual animal data from a large number of cow-calf herds. ./cache/cord-264391-7fse4h3f.txt ./txt/cord-264391-7fse4h3f.txt