id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-264469-a71vxxzh Quigley, J. D. Letter to the Editor: A Response to the Comments of Borderas et al. (2007) 2007-08-31 .txt text/plain 1677 95 57 The authors propose that increased morbidity and mortality in our study was caused by administration of refused calf milk replacer (CMR) by esophageal feeder. They wrote "we suggest that the increased incidence of illness observed in the calves fed the higher levels of milk replacer was due to sick calves being force-fed." They further suggested that feed refusals were a manifestation of anorexia caused by expression of proinflammatory cytokines. The authors criticized our paper for including the use of fecal scoring in calves fed varying amounts of CMR and wrote "Although this system has been widely used to evaluate diarrhea in limit-fed calves, the authors provide no evidence that this measure was repeatable or a valid indicator of any underlying pathology." The authors further suggested that ". Growth and body composition of dairy calves fed milk replacers containing different amounts of protein at two feeding rates ./cache/cord-264469-a71vxxzh.txt ./txt/cord-264469-a71vxxzh.txt