id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-254955-q5gb4qkq Singh, B. P. Forecasting Novel Corona Positive Cases in Indiausing Truncated Information: A Mathematical Approach 2020-05-05 .txt text/plain 3403 236 66 Novel corona virus is declared as pandemic and India is struggling to control this from a massive attack of death and destruction, similar to the other countries like China, Europe, and the United States of America. The time of point of inflexion is found in the end of the April, 2020 means after that the increasing growth will start decline and there will be no new case in India by the end of July, 2020. For the spread of novel corona virus, when disease dynamics are still unclear, mathematical modeling helps us to estimate the cumulative number of positive cases in the present scenarios. We obtained the truncated information on cumulative number of corona positive confirmed cases in India from March 13 to April 2, 2020 from For example in the corona virus case, the maximum limit would be the total number of exposed people in India because when everybody is infected, the growth will be stopped. ./cache/cord-254955-q5gb4qkq.txt ./txt/cord-254955-q5gb4qkq.txt