id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-016720-hgpnaoe7 Tremblay, Richard E. Disruptive Behaviors: Should We Foster or Prevent Resiliency? 2005 .txt text/plain 6717 300 50 Thus, if the development of physical aggression, opposition, and hyperactivity was like an illness that starts at a given point in time following an exposure to specific causal factors, the "resiliency" model would posit that some who are exposed get it, while others who are also exposed do not get it. In fact, after following the development of children for 20 years, I am simply saying what Thomas Hobbes (1641/1998) stated very clearly almost 400 years ago in his insightful treaty on social life and how humans become citizens: "an evil man is rather like a sturdy boy." Disruptive school children, adolescents, and adults are resilient children, they have resisted the socialization process, they remain in their original form. We also tested whether the 2-year (between 7 and 9 years of age) preventive intervention targeting the disruptive kindergarten boys and their families would deflect them to a low-level antisocial behavior trajectory during adolescence. ./cache/cord-016720-hgpnaoe7.txt ./txt/cord-016720-hgpnaoe7.txt