id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-338007-fa4i981h Coyne, Lisa W. First Things First: Parent Psychological Flexibility and Self-Compassion During COVID-19 2020-05-06 .txt text/plain 5296 270 57 For parents, shaping these processes may help promote family nurturance, support children's prosocial behavior, and provide effective and consistent use of evidence-based parenting "kernels." The goal of this article is to provide practitioners with evidence-based tools that will support psychological flexibility, self-care, and positive parenting behaviors in caregivers during COVID-19 and beyond. In behavioral terms, mindfulness and acceptance processes involve paying purposeful attention to the present moment, allowing or making space for unwanted thoughts and emotions, and relinquishing attachment to thoughts as literal truths, where that is helpful. #SmallThingsMatter "Small things matter" is an important principle for action and informs the study of "kernels," or fundamental units of behavioral influence that appear to underlie effective prevention and treatment for children, adults, and families (Embry & Biglan, 2008) . ./cache/cord-338007-fa4i981h.txt ./txt/cord-338007-fa4i981h.txt