id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-310807-p5cb6idp Kanwar, Anubhav Human Coronavirus-HKU1 Infection Among Adults in Cleveland, Ohio 2017-03-25 .txt text/plain 2944 176 46 Coronavirus-HKU1 has been described predominantly among children less than 5 years of age in the United States with few studies characterizing the disease spectrum among adults. In this study, we report one of the largest case series of CoV-HKU1 infections among adults presenting with respiratory tract illness and describe their clinical characteristics. Clinical data analysis for adults (patients >18 years of age) included the following: age, gender, hospitalization status, length of hospitalization, clinical features, discharge diagnosis, outcome (death or survived), comorbidities (smoking, lung disease), laboratory and radiology results, intensive care unit (ICU) stay, oxygen use and duration, treatment provided, and exposure history. Similar studies describing HKU1 in pediatric and adult patients have also found an association with upper and lower respiratory tract illness [7, 9, 12, 15, 21] . Our study provides needed insight into clinical characteristics and severity associated with CoV-HKU1 infection in adults in the Northeast region of the United States. ./cache/cord-310807-p5cb6idp.txt ./txt/cord-310807-p5cb6idp.txt