id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-297414-zq16s9ud Koh, Adrian H. C. What COVID-19 has taught us: lessons from around the globe 2020-06-13 .txt text/plain 1777 95 51 This was integrated with the NHI PharmaCloud System, which allowed thorough checks on the travel and medical history of preregistered patients for all outpatient clinic visits, day This article is part of a topical collection on Perspectives on COVID-19 surgery, scheduled examinations, or hospital admissions in advance [8] . Measures in the clinic include plastic barrier shields mounted to slit lamps and machines; all staff are asked to wear cap, eye goggles, protective clothing, surgical mask, and glove during clinic; video calls to check the patients with fever and red eye but not yet diagnosed with COVID at the emergency department. The fact is, telemedicine has been proposed and discussed for several decades before the COVID pandemic, but the current situation where many countries have imposed lockdowns and restrictions to travel to clinics and hospitals has greatly accelerated its use and implementation [10] . Virtual visits in ophthalmology: timely advice for implementation during the COVID-19 public health crisis ./cache/cord-297414-zq16s9ud.txt ./txt/cord-297414-zq16s9ud.txt