id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-343072-3wuh6k6g Dong, Mengying Understand Research Hotspots Surrounding COVID-19 and Other Coronavirus Infections Using Topic Modeling 2020-03-30 .txt text/plain 3321 212 50 title: Understand Research Hotspots Surrounding COVID-19 and Other Coronavirus Infections Using Topic Modeling (9) and Md Mahbub Hossain MBBS (10) have performed bibliometric analysis to evaluate the scientific literature on coronavirus infections as well as COVID-19, basing on indicators such as the number of articles, the productivity of authors, geographic distribution of articles and prominent keywords. The purpose of this work was to conduct LDA modeling for semantic and quantitative evaluations of the current status of literature on CoV infections as well as COVID-19, identify broad research topics and how these topics interact with one another. We found that topics of clinical characterization, epidemiology, and virus transmission are hotspots for COVID-19 at present, while research on pathogenesis, therapeutics, virus diagnostics, vaccines and viral genomics are urgently needed. doi: medRxiv preprint 5 total, 1,482 articles were identified as COVID-19-related research. ./cache/cord-343072-3wuh6k6g.txt ./txt/cord-343072-3wuh6k6g.txt