id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-349836-m9b65l75 Malhotra, C. Anxiety and perceived risk during COVID-19 outbreak 2020-07-24 .txt text/plain 1639 113 56 Results from path analysis showed that younger participants, those with chronic conditions, those living with children and low perceived trust in government response to COVID-19 had a significantly higher anxiety mediated by their perceived risk of dying upon getting COVID-19. Results from our final model (Figure 1 ) showed that those with -more chronic conditions, living with children and a lower perceived trust in government response to COVID-19 had significantly higher anxiety, which was mediated by their perceived risk of dying upon getting COVID-19. . doi: medRxiv preprint outcomes due to COVID-19 to the general public to help people clearly understand their risks and steps they can take to minimize this risk. In conclusion, we find high anxiety among younger adults, those with chronic conditions, living with children and with low trust in the government response to control the outbreak. ./cache/cord-349836-m9b65l75.txt ./txt/cord-349836-m9b65l75.txt