id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-032698-ev8gylpf Fakhruddin, K. S. Pandemic paediatrics 2020-09-25 .txt text/plain 768 68 56 Two recently published articles in your journal highlighted the utility of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) and potassium iodide (SDF/KI) application, and paediatric patients audit attending emergency care for irreversible pulpitis symptoms during the current coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic. 2 Thus, to limit bioaerosol risks, the contemporary treatment algorithm includes the use of pre-procedure oral rinse with 1% hydrogen peroxide or povidone-iodine 3 and the use of dental dam, as well as high-volume suction. potential dental team role in supporting the delivery of a flu vaccination programme. 1 In the United States, Minnesota and Illinois allow dentists to administer vaccines, but only to protect against the flu and only in adult patients. 2 In Scotland, NHS dental contractors (dentists and dental bodies corporate) can opt in to participate in the 2020/21 flu vaccination programme. Other members of the dental team will not be allowed to deliver vaccinations. Authors must sign the letter, which may be edited for reasons of space. ./cache/cord-032698-ev8gylpf.txt ./txt/cord-032698-ev8gylpf.txt