id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-259929-02765q5j Stanley, Philip M. Decoding DNA data storage for investment 2020-09-28 .txt text/plain 5978 308 47 Moving forward, the concerted efforts of academia, large corporates, innovative startup companies together with venture capital investment will be required to propel DNA data storage to commercial scale. Interdisciplinary efforts spanning molecular biology, computer science, and information technology are required to reach a complete DNA data storage workflow and in the following paragraphs, several of these approaches are discussed in more depth. First, the past seven years have seen a rapid increase in total capital invested in companies developing DNA data storage-enabling technologies (Figure 3a) , averaging a 44% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). Given DNA data storage"s technology maturity time-scale, venture capital firms companies investing in this space (see 4.) would already be operating with a long-term view and longer timelines than are typical for other fields of investment. ./cache/cord-259929-02765q5j.txt ./txt/cord-259929-02765q5j.txt