id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-007644-7bsixsgd Chirnside, E.D. Development and evaluation of an ELISA using recombinant fusion protein to detect the presence of host antibody to equine arteritis virus 2000-04-04 .txt text/plain 4054 198 49 authors: Chirnside, E.D.; Francis, P.M.; De Vries, A.A.F.; Sinclaira, R.; Mumford, J.A. title: Development and evaluation of an ELISA using recombinant fusion protein to detect the presence of host antibody to equine arteritis virus A recombinant glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein expressing amino acids 55–98 of equine arteritis virus (EAV) G(L) (rG(L)55–98) was tested in an ELISA for its ability to detect serum antibodies to EAV. This paper describes an indirect ELISA using a recombinant glutathione-Stransferase fusion protein (Smith and Johnson, 1988) as an antigen to screen equine sera for the presence of antibodies to EAV, and its evaluation as a diagnostic test with large numbers of equine serum samples. By testing > 1500 equine sera in ELISA to G,55-98, we have demonstrated that amino acid residues 55-98 of the Bucyrus strain of EAV G,_ encompass a highly immunoreactive antigen which correlates closely with the host virus neutralizing response. ./cache/cord-007644-7bsixsgd.txt ./txt/cord-007644-7bsixsgd.txt