id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-001809-azb7nie3 Qvarnstrom, Yvonne Characterization of a New Pathogenic Acanthamoeba Species, A. byersi n. sp., Isolated from a Human with Fatal Amoebic Encephalitis 2013-07-24 .txt text/plain 4509 259 57 DNA sequence analysis, secondary structure prediction, and phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rRNA gene confirmed that this new strain belonged to Group 1, but that it was distinct from the other sequence types within that group. Amoebae belonging to Group 2 cause the majority of reported human infections (both AK and Acanthamoeba GAE) and also constitute the majority of the strains isolated from the environment. As a complement to the morphologic classification, molecular analyses using nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) gene sequences have divided Acanthamoeba into 17 sequence types (designated T1-T17, also called ribotypes or genotypes) (Corsaro and Venditti 2010; Gast 2001; Gast et al. Molecular and structural analysis of the 18S rRNA gene concluded that it is genetically most similar to the other Group 1 species within the Acanthamoeba genus, confirming the description of CDC:V621 as a new Acanthamoeba Group I strain. ./cache/cord-001809-azb7nie3.txt ./txt/cord-001809-azb7nie3.txt