id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-024698-jrnw1i07 Hogan, Kevin Decidio: A Pilot Implementation and User Study of a Novel Decision-Support System 2020-04-25 .txt text/plain 4017 266 58 3 we present the use case for the user study of Decidio and demonstrate how our tool was incorporated into an existing group decision-making process. Students logged into Decidio via their personal laptops and navigated to the group project ranking dashboard. Learn their process, methods, and strategies employed for decision-making when ranking projects as a group 3. An activity log file created for every user that captured their actions as a workflow diagram was used to understand how student groups used Decidio in their decision making process. Finally, it is difficult to generalize results about user behavior in the tool when each team consists of a different mix of personalities and individual ranking preferences. In this paper, we present Decidio, a software tool that supports collaborative decision making. The activity logs showed us the various workflows used by student groups for decision-making. ./cache/cord-024698-jrnw1i07.txt ./txt/cord-024698-jrnw1i07.txt