id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-301687-wadf3c3i Li, Yan Association of “initial CT” findings with mortality in older patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020-06-10 .txt text/plain 3441 184 56 Although radiation dose [7, 8] needs to be considered, chest CT as reported previously plays an important role in disease diagnosis, monitoring, severity stratification, and evaluation of treatment response in patients with COVID-19 [9, 10] , which goes beyond the ability of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In this single-center study, aiming to further identify the value of chest CT in clinical management of COVID-19, we evaluated the association of initial chest CT findings obtained at admission with severity and clinical outcomes in older patients with COVID-19. In the survival (n = 52) and death (n = 46) groups, the patients were sub-grouped based on the time interval between symptom onset and the "initial CT" scan: subgroup1 (interval ≤ 5 days), subgroup2 (interval between 6 and 10 days), and subgroup3 (interval > 10 days). In subgroup1 and subgroup2, patients underwent CT scans within 10 days after symptom onsets, where the mean score of "initial CT" was statistically higher in the death group than in the survival group. ./cache/cord-301687-wadf3c3i.txt ./txt/cord-301687-wadf3c3i.txt