id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-258712-q8b072m8 Lotfinejad, Nasim Emojis in public health and how they might be used for hand hygiene and infection prevention and control 2020-02-10 .txt text/plain 3706 184 43 This paper aims to provide an overview of how emojis have been used in the medical and public health literature and proposes their possible use in IPC and hand hygiene to put forth a vision for the future research. The potential roles of these symbols in infection prevention and control (IPC), as a globally recognized essential part of health systems [9] , are further described through the example of using emojis to promote hand hygiene. Education entertainment provided by social media is a promising method to promote individual behavior change such as hand hygiene [43] , and emojis are helpful tools to add topics and ideas by facilitating a more natural communication [6] . Other studies have pointed to the importance of improving the use of social media platforms by IPC professionals in order to leverage the latest technologies in conveying hand hygiene messages [43, 49, 50] . ./cache/cord-258712-q8b072m8.txt ./txt/cord-258712-q8b072m8.txt