id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-253768-y35m3vh1 Springer, Sandra A Federal and State Action Needed to End the Infectious Complications of Illicit Drug Use in the United States: IDSA and HIVMA’s Advocacy Agenda 2020-10-01 .txt text/plain 5844 262 41 Nevertheless, a number of barriers to care in people who use drugs need to be addressed to end the opioid and HIV epidemics in the United States as well as reduce the other infectious disease health outcomes. To address these barriers we recommend expanding Medicaid, expanding access to harm reduction services, improving treatment and surveillance to enhance the continuum of care, and treating opioid and other substance use disorders (SUD), including through lowbarrier hospital and community-based treatment, as well as in the criminal justice setting. Increased state and federal funding are needed to expand SSP and other harm reduction services, including access to MOUD and infectious diseases treatment services in order to decrease HCV, HIV, IDU-related infections, and vaccine-preventable diseases, and improve OUD-related outcomes [26, 27] . ./cache/cord-253768-y35m3vh1.txt ./txt/cord-253768-y35m3vh1.txt