id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-011210-afcmln4w Olsen, Markus Harboe Automated pupillometry and the FOUR score — what is the diagnostic benefit in neurointensive care? 2020-05-07 .txt text/plain 3437 155 43 INTRODUCTION: The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and visual inspection of pupillary function are routine measures to monitor patients with impaired consciousness and predict their outcome in the neurointensive care unit (neuro-ICU). METHODS: Supervised trained nursing staff examined a consecutive sample of patients admitted to the neuro-ICU of a tertiary referral centre using GCS and FOUR score and assessing pupillary function first by visual inspection and then by automated pupillometry. In this feasibility study, we aimed to assess how the FOUR score and automated pupillometry add meaningful clinical information in a regular neuro-ICU setting, compared to GCS and visual inspection of pupils. These assessments were used to analyse (1) if the FOUR score results in a more granular evaluation of different levels of consciousness, (2) how well visual inspection of pupillary function reflects results from automated pupillometry and (3) if nursing staff can be trained to collect FOUR scores and perform automated pupillometry in a true-to-life neuro-ICU setting. ./cache/cord-011210-afcmln4w.txt ./txt/cord-011210-afcmln4w.txt