id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-023585-n3lr9z3u Phillpotts, Robert Interferon prophylaxis of the common cold 2003-01-06 .txt text/plain 1970 116 55 Robert Phillpotts describes the mechanism of interferon action and the future hopes and developments for its use in preventing colds. l~'obert Phillpotts describe~ the mechanism of interferon action and the future hopes and developments for its use in preventing colds. Interferon appears to be the ideal antiviral drug for use in preventing colds; it is extremely potent, and active against a wide range of viruses. intranasal interferon prevents colds In an initial experiment at the Common Cold Unit in Wiltshire, UK, intranasal administration of partially purified human leucocyte interferon to volunteers was shown to prevent colds caused by rhinovirus type 4 (Ref. 5). This question was answered in a further experiment carried out in 1982, in which HulFN a, purified to virtual homogeneity on a monoclonal antibody affinity column was shown to prevent colds caused by another rhinovirus, type 9 (Ref. 6). ./cache/cord-023585-n3lr9z3u.txt ./txt/cord-023585-n3lr9z3u.txt