id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-288024-1mw0k5yu Wang, Wei Entrepreneurial entry: The role of social media 2020-09-29 .txt text/plain 8521 455 39 Thus, we propose that trust propensity, an individual's tendency to believe in others (Choi, 2019; Gefen et al., 2003) , moderates the relationship between social media use and entrepreneurial entry. Our findings reveal that social media use Received 8 August 2020; Accepted 21 September 2020 has a positive impact on entrepreneurial entry with individuals' offline network serving as a partial mediator. Second, our study specified a mechanism for the impact of individuals' social media use on entrepreneurial entry via their offline network and used instrumental variables to help infer the causality. Thus, with higher social media use, individuals will have an expanded offline social network, which provides them the resources needed for successful entrepreneurial entry. We believe trust propensity in social media moderates the impact of individuals' social media use on entrepreneurial entry by influencing their ability to network with strangers and known associates. ./cache/cord-288024-1mw0k5yu.txt ./txt/cord-288024-1mw0k5yu.txt