id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-001603-vlv8x8l8 Ul-Haq, Zaheer 3D Structure Prediction of Human β1-Adrenergic Receptor via Threading-Based Homology Modeling for Implications in Structure-Based Drug Designing 2015-04-10 .txt text/plain 5592 298 51 ORCHESTRAR is specifically designed for homology or comparative protein modeling that identifies structurally conserved regions (SCRs), models loops using model-based and ab-initio methods, models side chains, and combine them all to prepare a final model. Initially, a homology model was generated by ORCHESTRAR that lacks a region of 45 amino acid residues (209-254) of the cytoplasmic loop of TM5 located within the target sequence but absent in the template structure. Two conserved disulfide bridges which are important for cell surface expression, ligand binding, receptor activation and maintenance of the secondary structure are located in EL-2 and EL-3 regions at positions Cys81-Cys166 and Cys159-Cys165, respectively (Table 5 ). The docking results reveals that Ser178 and Phe168 are crucial residues in ligand binding by providing H-bonding, and π-π interactions, respectively, thus helps in the activation of hsβADR1. ./cache/cord-001603-vlv8x8l8.txt ./txt/cord-001603-vlv8x8l8.txt