id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-020764-5tq9cr7o Vertrees, Roger A. Tissue Culture Models 2010-05-21 .txt text/plain 11293 580 39 Scientists have developed diverse and unique tissue culture systems that contain air-liquid barriers of lung epithelium and subjected these cells to various gaseous toxicants to determine what occurs following inhalation of various chemicals. In addition to the characterization of responses to inhaled agents, epithelial cell cultures, notably alveolar epithelium obtained from fetal lung tissue, have allowed investigators to characterize the liquid transport phenotype that occurs in the developing lung. Primary cell cultures of human airway smooth muscle tissue can be obtained utilizing a method described by Halayko et al. Additionally, if investigators do not wish to use currently established lung cancer cell lines, obtaining clinical samples for use in tissue culture models is relatively easy. This model is composed of a coculture of in vitro threedimensional human bronchoepithelial TLAs engineered using a rotating-wall vessel to mimic the characteristics of in vivo tissue and to provide a tool to study human respiratory viruses and host-pathogen cell interactions. ./cache/cord-020764-5tq9cr7o.txt ./txt/cord-020764-5tq9cr7o.txt