id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-021426-zo9dx8mr Peiffer, Robert L. Models in Ophthalmology and Vision Research 2013-10-21 .txt text/plain 14366 750 44 This chapter reviews the anatomy and physiology of the rabbit eye from a comparative perspective, summarizes documented spontaneous ocular conditions, discusses experimentally induced disease in general terms, and concludes with a summary of ob servations regarding the rabbit as a model for broad categories of research. This chapter reviews the anatomy and physiology of the rabbit eye from a comparative perspective, summarizes documented spontaneous ocular conditions, discusses experimentally induced disease in general terms, and concludes with a summary of observations regarding the rabbit as a model for broad categories of research. The choroidal thickness varies, being thickest posteriorly and thinning toward the ora ciliaris retinae; it tends to be thicker inferiorly compared to superiorly and is thickest and most heavily pigmented in the region of the visual streak, an area that lies well above the posterior pole of the globe on either side of and below the optic disk. Because the rabbit has a merangiotic retina, it is a less than ideal choice for an experimental model to study retinal vascular diseases of humans. ./cache/cord-021426-zo9dx8mr.txt ./txt/cord-021426-zo9dx8mr.txt