id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-024061-gxv8y146 Alkhamis, Moh A. Animal Disease Surveillance in the 21st Century: Applications and Robustness of Phylodynamic Methods in Recent U.S. Human-Like H3 Swine Influenza Outbreaks 2020-04-21 .txt text/plain 12855 540 36 Also, we challenged the robustness of the posterior evolutionary parameters, inferred by the commonly used phylodynamic models, using hemagglutinin (HA) and polymerase basic 2 (PB2) segments of the currently circulating human-like H3 swine influenza (SI) viruses isolated in the United States and multiple priors. Our phylodynamic analyses included comparisons between commonly inferred evolutionary posterior parameters (e.g., substitution rate/site/year, divergence times, phylogeographic root state posterior probabilities, significant dispersal route between states) under different combinations of node-age and branch rate prior models. Epidemiology of Swine Influenza in the U.S. Based on the results of the best fitting phylodynamic models for both HA and PB2 segments, evolutionary rates of currently circulating human-like H3 viruses in the United States remain high with no apparent signs of substantial declines (Figures 2B,D) and were similar to what was inferred elsewhere (117). ./cache/cord-024061-gxv8y146.txt ./txt/cord-024061-gxv8y146.txt