id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-033882-uts6wfqw Khakharia, Aman Outbreak Prediction of COVID-19 for Dense and Populated Countries Using Machine Learning 2020-10-16 .txt text/plain 5853 381 64 The proposed prediction models forecast the count of new cases likely to arise for successive 5 days using 9 different machine learning algorithms. A set of models for predicting the rise in new cases, having an average accuracy of 87.9% ± 3.9% was developed for 10 high population and high density countries. The data on the spread of COVID-19 in the top 10 densely populated countries, viz., India, Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, China, Philippines, Germany, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and Nigeria were analyzed. The best outbreak prediction model was selected for each country depending on the accuracy values obtained decisions. Let us represent the Prediction plots for the number of COVID-19 patients that would rise in the next 5 days for some countries, where an exponential increase in the curve is expected or the rise in the cases would remain constant. ./cache/cord-033882-uts6wfqw.txt ./txt/cord-033882-uts6wfqw.txt