id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-103913-jgko7b0j Macedo, A. M. S. A comparative analysis between a SIRD compartmental model and the Richards growth model 2020-08-06 .txt text/plain 3034 182 57 We illustrate the use of the map between these two models by fitting the fatality curves of the COVID-19 epidemic data in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Cuba, and Japan. Here we improve on this analysis in two ways: (i) we extend the SIR model to a SIRD model by incorporating the deceased compartment, which is then used as the basis for the map onto the Richards model; (ii) the parameters of the SIRD model are allowed to have a time dependence, which is crucial to gain some efficacy in describing realistic cumulative epidemic curves of COVID-19. where C(t) is the cumulative number of cases/deaths at time t, r is the growth rate at the early stage, K is the final epidemic size, and the parameter α measures the asymmetry with respect to the s-shaped curve of the standard logistic model, which is recovered for α = 1. ./cache/cord-103913-jgko7b0j.txt ./txt/cord-103913-jgko7b0j.txt