id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-133917-uap1vvbm Grave, Mal'u Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Coarsening for Diffusion-Reaction Epidemiological Models 2020-10-22 .txt text/plain 5926 409 57 In this work, we extend the formulation of SEIRD compartmental models to diffusion-reaction systems of partial differential equations to capture the continuous spatio-temporal dynamics of COVID-19. We implement the whole model in texttt{libMesh}, an open finite element library that provides a framework for multiphysics, considering adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening. We study a compartmental SEIRD model (susceptible, exposed, infected, recovered, deceased) that incorporates spatial spread through diffusion terms [16, 22, 8, 9, 23] . Adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening [24] can resolve population dynamics from local (street, city) to regional (district, state), providing an accurate spatio-temporal description of the infection spreading. Note that the EPIDEMIC model's dynamics does not represent the actual COVID19 dynamics since, in the case of COVID19, the exposed population may be asymptomatic and recover without becoming infected and still spread the virus. In this section we briefly introduce the Galerkin finite element formulation, the time discretization, and the the libMesh implementation, supporting adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening. ./cache/cord-133917-uap1vvbm.txt ./txt/cord-133917-uap1vvbm.txt