id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-171231-m54moffr Habli, Ibrahim Enhancing Covid-19 Decision-Making by Creating an Assurance Case for Simulation Models 2020-05-17 .txt text/plain 2233 110 45 When making claims about risk in safety-critical systems, it is common practice to produce an assurance case, which is a structured argument supported by evidence with the aim to assess how confident we should be in our risk-based decisions. Similar to engineered safety-critical systems, e.g. flight control software or pacemakers, the rigour and transparency with which these simulation models are developed should be proportionate to their criticality to, and influence on, public health policy -this is true for COVID-19 but also holds for other models used to support such critical decision-making. In safety-critical systems engineering it is common practice to produce an assurance case -a structured, explicit argument supported by evidence [3] . We argue that such a case has the potential to enable a wider understanding, and a critical review, of the expected benefits, limitations and assumptions that underpin the development of the simulation models and the extent to which these issues, including the different sources of uncertainty, are considered in the policy decision-making process. ./cache/cord-171231-m54moffr.txt ./txt/cord-171231-m54moffr.txt